Prologue / Chapter Nine

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A Lieutenant General walks into a dark crowded room, immediately he felt the tension, it was thick and murky, silence controlling the room, the faces of the men within were stone serious. Amongst the crowd, he spotted the current General of the Army. Ford K. Williams. Beside him is the four star general. General Mikey F. Miller.

"Josh!" A near audible shout cought his attention. Over to his left, he spotted a familiar face, it was Major General Michael J. Brown. A smile form on his face before walking over to his friend.

The silence suddenly snapped into a loud but firm greeting from the General of the Army. His figure stood firmly with no hesitation nor nervousness. "Greeting's everyone, as you may already knew, three hours ago, the United States of America was attacked, not by the Russians, nor Chinese," he breath, about to retell the events that happened. "But by the Confederates, an old enemy of the states, suddenly re appearing in the cities of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas."

A screen lit the darkened room as an image of US infantrymen storming the streets of Atlanta, along with Bradley's and few, unsuspecting allies. Second world war and first world war infantrymen rushing along side with their own armor or with their modern counterparts.

"Along with unsuspecting allies, we managed to eliminate majority of the enemy, but there is will still be pockets lurking years after the initial fighting. But that will be for later, right now, we must discuss what will happen after the battle of Atlanta City."

A map of the entire states was shown next, on it were rose-red colored markings, circles, lines, and many others forming a some kind of war map with detailed enemy and allied movements, from the armored forces pushing the enemy to near annihilation to the infantry working hard to push the enemy out of their homelands. One of the line, a Confederate front east of the city, was shown being pushed back by the 24th Bradley Platoon and 12th Motorized Infantry.

"Multiple reports states that we managed to push the enemies out of the cities and into the open fields, forestry, and to nearby towns and cities, while some reported total annihilation of the enemy."

The news hardly elicited cheers or smiles; instead, there was pure silence with a hint of pen jotting notes into papers. The news was hardly worthy of any of those. Yes, they did push them out of the city, but now they will need annihilate them completely or risk facing them down the road.

Adding to that, the Confederates managed to counter some of the divisions with their own rapid fire in the form of Civil war gatling guns, which put the division into a loop.

"I've already sent an order to get scouts into the areas to search the ground while the Air force scout from the air. Additionally, I want the West Front done in a week, forces in the east are needing more troops on the ground..."

The battle plans are made, divisions are reassigned, contingency plans were established. One can tell, these men don't want things to go south, and they will do anything for it to not go south.

Meanwhile, across the vast unknown oceans, and on an unknown continent far larger then the states, a group of individuals were rushing to push the makeshift raft onto the water, shouts and roars echoes behind them, encouraging them to rush faster as to not get caught by those behind them.

The raft hit the water, and to the groups relief and excitement, the crudely made wooden boat float without breaking apart. It's their time to escape this forsaken place.

"Come'on! They're almost here!" One of them suddenly shouts as the rest hop on in a rushing, hoping to get on before those voices reach them. Soon later, a considerate distance away from land, they cheered of their easy escape, but none of them is prepared, for this is where the real escape begins.

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