Prologue / Chapter Ten

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Both sides sat and stood in silence, the proposal was quiet tempting, it will secure an actual way for them to co-operate quickly and effectively.

Captain Wyatt silently observe the command chain of the Battleship Arizona, emotions visibility seen as they whisper to each other about the proposal, each tick of the minute showing them slowly agreeing to it.

Another minute ticks by and Captain George nodded, a sign of acknowledgement to his proposal. With a smile widely shown on his face, he nodded while extending his arm.

"Despite the sudden decisions, I still need the admiral to agree to this." Wyatt spoke nonchalantly, surprising the other side.

George snapped his attention to Wyatt, shock visible on his face, "You... You made this proposal without the acknowledgement of the Top?"

"Yes, the reason being is I can't fully know if the top agrees with the plan." Wyatt answered with determination in his words. Distrust to those of higher rank? Uncertainty of if they accept his proposal? Or maybe he just need some allies in convincing the top.

All his thoughts ceased as laughter bellowed from behind the row of shock sailors, making them move aside, letting the officers see who it was.

"Admiral?!" Shouted George.

It was Admiral Anderson and Admiral Bannett. Aiden Bannett. The current Admiral of the Navy. Both admirals are standing side by side, both have a wide smile on their faces, as if both acknowledges each other's ranks.

"Considering Captain Foster's proposal, I would agree regardless of if I heard it first or not." Bannett stated.

"And why hold a meeting without us? It will be more faster to do hold it with us then without us." Anderson jokingly questioned.

Wyatt open his mouth to reply but stopped, not wanting to drag this further. After all, he can't know if the admiral's fully agree with the plan.

"Looks like the top agree's, so let's move forward shall we?" George spoke, gaining the attention of everyone.

"Let's" Anderson nodded before waltzing his way to the table, followed by Bannett.

Both admirals replace their respective navies captains on the table, now with everyone in position, all attention directs to Captain Wyatt L. Foster.

A deep sigh emitted from him before he continues to his explanation, "Before I continue with the proposal, I will need to sit-rep of our current situation...

As Wyatt continue on his current explanation, a map of the Hawaiian islands appeared, then a darkened box next to it with information of it's current fleet numbers, number of residents, number of soldiers, now counting from all era's such as modern, cold war, second world war, first world war, etc.

First were the obvious problems, with the increase of population, they will need more food then they have in storage, both civilian and military. As well as the materials needed to run their vehicles.

Next will be the on-coming panic once the report on the situation is made public. Wyatt proposed a temporary system that will take affect before the report becomes public, making sure the situation does not get worse.

"But wouldn't that be suspicious? The sudden appearance of our Marines in the city will cause more confusion even among our own forces." Bannett question, despite his easy agreement to the proposal, something like this will need the corporation of the local forces.

Wyatt pause, taking in the words of the admiral, he didn't really think of that possibility, despite all the planning he has done, something like that went over his head. Internally cursing himself, he nodded to Bannett acknowledging the admiral's opinion.

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