Prologue / Chapter two | The battle for Atlanta!

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Town of Alpharetta, Outskirts of Atlanta. North America.
Crawling to a halt, the leading M60 Patton stops dead on it's track, the Lieutenant Colonel studies the surroundings in silence. They have reached the town of Alpharetta. After passing Cummings, and reaching the outskirts of the town, the entire armoured collum has finally arrived at their first destination, and the end of phase one.

Phase two will be a scouting mission to further make sure no innocent American will get cought in the artillery hail that is about to hit Atlanta.

Holding the radio device near his mouth, he called out his orders, "I want the 2th Patton Platoon and the 35 seeth national motor infantry to scout ahead, everyone else get ready to defend this place."

A collective 'yes sir' emitted from the radio and those around him. Soon, the entire collum became active as the assigned units and troops rush about to get to their destination quickly.

Then, repeating the same actions he did before, he quickly switch the radio to reach HQ which is station not far from them, he reported on his forces reaching the town, then reported about sending the 2th Patton and the 35th national guards to scout out the area in front of them.

"Roger, we are sending a scout drone, keep and eye out, over." The voice on the other side replies.

Few moments later, the clanking of the Patton's tracks vibrates around the newly and temporarily formed scout division. The hum of it's engines mixed with the hum of the humvee's that follows it, all eyes wide and open, studying the surroundings as they pass by, not wanting to get ambushed by the hostile forces. The lead Patton; The Joker, keep pressing forward without stop, the driver, Joseph kept his eyes focused at the front, same goes for the gunner, his fingers ready to sling a APDS at what ever is unlucky enough to be within his guns firing range.

The commander. Ethan Schneider, a half-German-half-American man in his late twenties. Wearing the standard A.C.U. and is covered by body armor. On his head, is a standard tanker helmet with his units official emblem, a card of spades and the same goes for his shoulder. On his hands are a pair of binoculars, raising it to his field of view, the device did it's magic and help Ethan in spotting from further away.

Noting there is nothing to see but the thick layers of trees that cover the road from the outside world, he turns to a different direction, and does the same, marking things that may seem unusual to him.

Suddenly, the radio lit with the voice from the Second Lieutenant from the motor Infantry behind them, "Spade's, this is Second Lieutenant Sally from the 35th motor infantry, how is the view? Over."

Without looking down, Ethan calls the loader to hand him the radio device. Which the said man complies and toss the radio up and into his now empty hand.

"Clear, over." He replies.


Half an hour passed since they started the mission and the boredom is starting to replace the tension the soldiers and tankers once felt. And Ethan feels the same, albeit less then the others.

The radio on his hand lit with Sally's voice emitting from it. "All good here, our thermals don't see anything, over."

Ethan nods before spotting an unusual shade of green in a chunk of tree near the bend. He is about to call the driver to stop but is beaten to it as the Patton jolts to a hult.

The vehicles behind him, upon seeing the tank in front suddenly stop, also hult their advance, confused by the action as they are still not anyways near Atlanta yet.

But ignoring them, Ethan focuses on the thing he spotted up front. Among the natural darkened green deep in the woods, a unnatural shade of lime green is spotted, and adding to it, there is more of it like it is in a line.

The driver called to him, which he replies with a ready for combat order, but is stopped when one of the lime green pushed from the foliage and onto the paved road.

The gunner of the tank widen his eyes upon seeing what the two individuals were seeing. A M4 Sherman of the A2 variant crawls onto the paved road, soon, the Sherman pop out of the same chunk of flora. Then figures revealed themselves from the same chunk, soldiers from the second world war casually walk into the open, rifles slung around their right arms,

"Are... You seeing what I'm seeing?" Joseph asks, denying what his eyes are visualizing.

The other two replies with silence, complete utter silence, and once the gunner managed to gain the attention of Ethan but the Second world war era soldiers found them first.

"Things are getting weirder by the hour," he whispers. Before ordering the driver to drive up to the confused group of soldiers.

"All unites," he announced into the comms device, "be advise, we have visual contact of what looks like a group of World War Two cosplayers and a couple Sherman tanks." He informs the other troops, which take caution to his announcement.

In Atlanta, things has gotten better for the National guards, more forces from neighboring states starts to trickle into the city while civilians, armed with anything and everything helped in defending those who can't. Plus, the army attack helicopters, the Apache's have now arrived with hell loading on their wings.

The confederacy, upon the sight of the flying, roaring beast of mind fucking numbers, scatter and hid under the many house around them, forcing the national guards the any and every houses they come across.

"Lieutenant, what do we do?" One of the Confederate soldiers asks, docking underneath one of the stylish wooden table in one of the many homes of the Atlanta Suburbs.

"What do we do?" He replied, his fear turning into rage, "we somehow ended up here, trap in one of these weird looking buildings, and with enemies haveing weapons far more powerful then ours, and you ask; "What do we do?!"

Frighten by the officer's words, the soldier went silent, fear finally consuming him, and thus the rest soon follow the lowing moral of their comrades.

Then, the familiar sound soon made it self known, the endless thud that the soldiers accociate with the enemy's advance aerial forces. Getting louder and louder by the minute, each men prayed for their survival, wanting it to leave them be, wanting this to end. Minutes past and the door to the room they are in burst open, revealing men in dark clothes.

"Put your weapons down!" one of the men shouted, his face covered by a very thick helmet.

Panic filled the soldiers as they hastily raise their rifles at the intruders, who replies in kind.

The small but quick firing, fire arm instantly made quick work of the opposing side, sending small 9 mm's into the bodies of the confederacy soldiers, who were unable to fire their own.

The Lieutenant jumps away from harms reach, saving himself from death that stood on the doorway. The figure then rushed in, followed by more, they orderly rush in, one by one, a group hugging one side of the walls, another replicating the action on the other side, covering all form of visual angles.

A collective shout soon follows, before a towering figure looms over the officer.

"You are under arrest." It simply spoke.

To be continued.

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