Prologue / Chapter three | Navy Tension.

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Pearl harbor, Hawaii.
The comms of the boat rang as the small vessel close in on the Arizona memorial, it was another weekly deep clean up of the place, keeping it intact for those who wants to see.

The boat docks itself alongside the small port of the structure, but before any of the crew can even step off, a sudden rumbled coupled with a low creek gave everyone a fright.

Ripples were then seen originating from the structure, before a blinding glow engulf the vessel and building. Before any of the crew can register what has transpired, a sudden surge of port water pushed their vessel from its anchor, and as the light begin to die down.

The crews vision, though no longer being blinded, is now replaced with darken shadow of a giant beast from a bygone era. Figures resembleing that of the sailors from the long lost ship, dash around the deck, confused and frighten. The men on the small vessel equally as confused.

Suddenly, a voice boomed from the large ship, "general quarters, general quarters, all personnel, to you're battle stations,"

Alarms blear and the figures rush with purpose, some making for their battle station such as Bofors anti-air turrets, the secondary armaments, and the main cannon of the battleship. While others rush into the giant vessel itself.

"The the heck is going on...?" One of the crew of the smaller vessel whispered.

It didn't take long for the crew of the battleship to take noice of the smaller vessel right next to their ship, one of these sailors who took notice is the Anti-Air Operator Sam, a 18 year old young adult who joined the navy after he finished basic training.

And currently, as he mans his station at one of the many Bofors anti-air turrets around the USS Arizona, yet his curious eyes studies the tiny vessel.

The crew of the smaller boat stares back at his larger ship, he could feel the confusion even while on the battleship, the men of the boat soon starts to rush about some reaching for their pockets and pulled out some kind of small handheld device.

Looking over to his station buddy, Freddy, is also fixated on the actions of the people of the small boat.

Until one of them shouted.

"Oi! What the hell is going on?!" One angry voice came from Sam's left, it is one the officer of the ship, marching to the edge near the smaller vessel.

Men on the boat simply stared at the officer, stunned by his voice direct at them, others kept their phones up, while some put it away in favor of communicating with the heat heading officer. Which one did.

A young man, probably in his mid 20's stood up to the officer and Intruduced himself as Carlos Sonatina, a Latin American civilian sailor working in tandem with the officials in keeping the Arizona memorial clean and active. Pointing at the broken structure around both vessels.

The officer, after studying the broken structure, sighs before apologizing for the suddenness of his anger before explaining that his ship was under attack by Japanese Bombers and Torpedo Bombers on all sides. And while they were anchored as well.

The retelling of the events made some of the crew suspicious, one of them then interrupt with the continuation of the events shocking the officer and sailors nearby.

Sam blinks, his mind processing the old man's words, some may and will call him on his actions, but before anyone can take the next action, the sirens of the naval base bleared, its ear piercing whales echoes across the harbor and deep into the mountains.

The entire base is now on high alert, Sam and his comrades readies themselves for the upcoming hell hole to come. Which came in a more unexpected event.

"Four ships heading our way!" A sailor shouts, spotting silver ships undock and  steam towards them.

Spotting them too, the officer immediately rushed into the ship, calling commands as he dashes to the nearest door, "All men to your stations! Target those ships heading our way!"

Aboard the Arleigh Burk-class DDG, USS Gridley is captain Wyatt L. Foster commanding his crew, especially the Comms Officer to hail the battleship in front of them. When, one of the officers spotted the armaments of the giant beast turning to them one by one.

"Shit! They are drawing armaments to us!"

Wyatt nodded, "call general quarters! Get ready for possible combat!"

"General quarters, general quarters, all men to battle stations!" Screamed the internal comms of the destroyer as the alarms whale and cry. Men and women from the within the ship prepare for confrontation

The radar guiding system activates as the operators lock on the ship, the larger main armaments of the battleship. The 127 mm mk.45 lightweight auto naval gun on the deck locked on the main armaments of the opposing ship. The missile system lit green and almost the entire missile load of the DDG are readied to fire once the command is called.

The other Arleigh Burk-classes soon engage their armaments, following the Gridley's actions.

George Lincoln F. Hammer, the captain of the USS Arizona analyze the three ship formation turn in sync, their small cannons still locked on his ship, the sycrinization of what he presume to be the main and sole armament of the ship amazed him in way. The level of accuracy and training going into keeping those guns trained at a target must be exponential.

With that in mind, he analyzed the rest of the ship, it's small length and short island structure gave him the feeling that what they are facing are Destroyers of somekind. Plus the speed of which they are going further solidify his theory.

If thing keep going as they are then his ship has a chance of getting hit, but that is a good chance as his ship can easily, if the gunners can hit them, blow those destroyers to bits.

With a nod, he orders his officers, "Keep all weapons train on those ships, but do not fire unless fired upon." His officers acknowledge his command with a salute.

The destroyers on the other hand are starting to launch their on board helicopters, equipped with torpedoes, hoping that it will land a strike to the massive beast if everything were to go south.

"CO! All three Helicopters are ready to lunch!" The Executive Officer informed Wyatt, who nodded in response.

On the helicopter deck of the Gridley, two figure's stood in front the Gridley's MH-60R Sea Hawk, the crew and ordinance crew rush about to attach the torpedoes on to the roto craft.

"This is by far the most riskiest plan to be employed by the navy Admiral." One of them spoke, doubting the success of this stunt.

"No need to fear friend, I know a way to get them to calm down, especially with this device of yours." The other chuckles.

The other hesitantly nodded before adjusting his suit, with a life vest attached on top of it for his safety. While the other has the same equipment, he didn't want to use it, as he has fate in his plan.

Back on the bridge, Wyatt has ordered all of the missiles to be ready to fire, stating that the battleship they are facing will be able to take a heavy punch, and deal the same to it's enemies, and while the 127 mm cannon they have can deal with modern ships, but a battleship with an armor thickness of a bunker, the floating fortress they are facing will need more firepower to take down if things go south.

"We may die, we may fall, we may stand, we may resist. For we are the sword and shield of the United States Navy! USS Gridley! Action Ready!" Wyatt screams, reciting his call to action speech.

To be continued.*

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