Prologue / Chapter Five | War on our land

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John's gaze never left the television screen as the news reporter retells the incident that has happened in the last 24 hours or so. It's currently 10 pm and the moon is shining brightly in the darkened sky.

The news anchor's voice spoke nonchalantly as if he was a machine programmed to report on the latest events that occured within U.S. soil. But he knows, that reporter is installing fear into the hearts of the people.

"Fire fights have erupted across the city of Atlanta as Georgian National Defense Guards push in with old M60 Patton tanks-"

"So..." John trailed off, letting his tune reverberate through the room, "What the fuck happened?" He asks, confusion emitting from his voice.

The entire room stayed silent, and no, it's not because they are nervous of his next reaction, but because they don't have an answer. Well, except the Secretary of Homeland Defense: Kyle S. Ausburn. Who is certainly nervous of the president's reaction.

With a cough, Kyle starts his report, "well, Mister President-" Kyle stopped, realized he might need to start from the very beginning, "I will start from the very beginning. As you may have known, there was a sudden appearance of unknown combatants, who after appearing started to fire at anything they see. As of right now, only the southern U.S.A. is affected, while the State of Texas has repealed nearly all hostiles and are pushing into Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana, aiding the national guard in defending those states.

"While, reports of the same forces also came from Florida, South and North Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama. With majority of these reports coming from Georgia, namely, the city of Atlanta." Kyle stops to let the information dump be processed first before proceeding with with the rest of the report.

Many of the members all has shocked expressions, realizing something as they listen to the report. While President John holds a solid glare, waiting for the rest of the report to come.

After a second, Kyle continues, "The national guards of all mentioned states have already been deployed along with all available air support from near by airbases. The hastily formed M60 Division is assembled within a five hour time frame, and is already in combat as you have seen.

"We are also lead to suspect these hostile forces are the Confederacy from the civil war," Kyle stopped, letting the info settle before continuing, already knowing what everyone is going to think, "no sir, these people actual Confederate Soldier's, no cosplayer is reported or identified."

Everyone is silent, no one moved, nor they spoke, only the breathing of Kyle as he prepare the next part of his report, "And that leads us to now, there is another report that needs your input sir, but I suggest focusing on confederacy."

John releases a breath he was holding in, the ever growing headache this situation is causing him is continue to grow.

"Thank you, I will plan carefully on the next action. But first, addressing the people. Get the general of the army, and draft a document for the Congress. I may not know how the military works, but this I know about it. Defending U.S. soil from enemy forces, and this is no exceptions."

All members acknowledge his words before leaving in a rush. One by one, they left, leaving only Kyle and John, who are continuing the discussion on their next action. That until an individual knocks on door to the room.

"Come in!" John spoke, letting the person enter.

General Williams walks in, acompanied by his subordinate. General Millers. Both men are dressed in their tactical clothes, they were about to head out and join the other officers on the field when John called.

"Mister President," Williams greeted, which John replayed with a nod of acknowledgement.

"General, I take that you are heading out there to join with your men?" John starts.

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