Trying To Heal (7)

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⚠️Talk of Sexual Assault⚠️

"Persephone, are you sure you're okay? You haven't come out or made any noise all day. Eddie, and I are worried about you." Gareth said from the other side of my door. I haven't slept, drank, ate, or really moved. My skin still burns from scrubbing it, but in a sick way I like the pain. At least I feel something other than disgust, and sadness. I look to my clock, and it's just past nine.
"I'm fine Gare. I'm going to bed. Love you." Is all I could get out.
"Oh... okay.. love you too sis. Sleep good, and see you in the morning." He said. Fuck. I have school tomorrow. Maybe I can skip.
I'm just not ready to leave my bed or see people. I kind of want my mom, but she's in Wisconsin with our aunt until next Monday. I laid there all night. Hearing his voice, or ringing in my ears from time to time. Tears just run down my face as I lie there. I can still smell the beer, and cigarettes from his breath. I can still see the look in his eyes.

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I'm walking down the side of the store when I'm suddenly thrown against the wall. It's different this time. I can't move. I can't speak.
"Letting some rough foreplay bring you down this bad huh? God. You're pathetic. Imagine if I actually finished the job." Billy said. His hand slowly reaching up my shirt.

I shot up out of my sleep to my phone ringing beside my bed. I look to my clock and see it's six in the morning.
"Mommy?" I answered.
"Hey baby, are you feeling better today? If not, I'm coming home, and dragging you to the doctor myself." She said in a loving tone.
"I am mom. I feel good enough to go to school. I might even try to make it to Hellfire tonight." I forced a laugh.
"I'm glad to hear that. I'm sorry I wasn't there to take care of you. I am proud of you for keeping up with your school work."
"Thanks mom. How's your trip?"
"Going good, we're going to Canada for the weekend! We leave in an hour. I'm excited."
"That's amazing mom. You guys be safe, and have fun. I need to get in the shower, and start getting ready. I love, and miss you."
"Thanks baby. I love, and miss you too. Take it easy today, and drink plenty of water."
"Will do mommy. Bye."
I hung up the phone, and took a deep breath. I got up, and went to get in the shower. Water as hot as possible, and I scrubbed every inch. Not as hard this time. My skin cannot take anymore. I got out, and wrapped myself in my towel then made my way over to my vanity to cover my black eye, and bruising on my neck. I threw on Eddie's Metallica hoodie, and some black sweatpants. I kept my hair down just in case. I grabbed my backpack, and opened my door to Eddie about to knock. Our eyes met, and he immediately went to pull me in, but I flinched back. I didn't mean to, Eddie is the last guy on earth to be afraid of. I just haven't had any other human contact since that night six nights ago.
"Persephone.. Are you okay?" He asked with pain in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him, and held on tight. He slowly wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like this for a bit before I pulled back.
"I'll tell you what happened, and why I'm actually 'sick' later. Just please, every chance you can, will you stay by my side. Please. I can't be alone out there." I said looking down. Eddie kissed the top of my head then whispered..
"Of course princess." For the first time in days I felt my heart flutter in a good way. A genuine smile crossed my face. Eddie looked around, smiled then kissed me. I felt happiness again. Maybe this is what I need. Is to be around people that I love, and that make me feel safe. "I missed you love." He said.
"I missed you too." I said.
"Just so you know, if your ever really sick, I'm picking the lock, and taking care of you." He said. We laughed, and headed downstairs. I braced myself for Gareth's excitement. Hopefully I won't be so jumpy for long. Gareth's face lit up when he saw me, he ran to me, and held me tight.
"You scared the hell out of me Seph."
"I'm sorry baby bro. I'm okay though. I love you."
"I love you too." Gareth said. I smiled.
"I've missed you guys." I said as we all headed out the door.
I stayed quite, and to myself the whole ride to school. I'm not sure how I'll feel when I actually see him again. My heart started racing when we parked, and my anxiety started to rise. I took a deep breath before getting out of the van. Gareth ran off to find the guys, and tell them I'm alive, and will be at Hellfire tonight. As we walked up to the school I could feel my legs becoming weak. Eddie put his arm around my shoulder, and I looked up at him. Our eyes met, and I felt safe.
"I have you gorgeous. I'm right here." He said then kissed the top of my head. When we got inside he walked me to my locker, then all the way to my desk of my first class.
"Here, maybe this will help you." He said. Taking off his guitar pick necklace, and placing it on me. He then slid something in my pocket while leaning down to my ear, and whispered. "A knife for just in case, and to make you feel better." He leaned back up. "I'll be outside waiting for you after class." He said with a sweet smile.
"Thanks Eds." I said smiling back. He left, and all I can wonder is, does he know? The way he's acting, and the knife? I know I want to tell him today. I just don't know when we will have the time. I gently rubbed my thumb on the guitar pick as it lays on my chest. It's helping me stay calm, and focused. I did this in the rest of my classes. Eddie of course being there after each one to walk me to the next. Finally it was lunch. We got our food, and sat at our table.
"Persephone!!" The whole club yelled.
"We missed you! Are you okay?" Dustin asked.
"Yeah! Are you still coming to Hellfire tonight?" Mike asked. Dustin, Mike, Will, and Lucas all stared at me in suspense. I laughed at them. So much energy, and happiness.
"I missed you guys too, and yes I'm okay. Thanks guys." I said giving them a smile, then taking a bite of my food. Eddie, Gareth, and the other older guys all laughed. The four boys stared at me with even more suspense, and now confusion, and worry. It took everything in me not to laugh while I ate. After I finished my bite I looked at the boys.
"Of course I'll be there. I would never miss a campaign." I assured them, as they all sighed in relief. The guys, and I laughed at them.
I kept to myself while I ate. Butting in here, and there. Eddie gently squeezed my thigh under the table three times. I looked up at him in confusion, and he just quickly winked at me. I smiled back, not sure what that was about. The rest of the school day went by in a blur. When the final bell rang Eddie, and Gareth were waiting for me outside the classroom.
"Hey sis." Gareth said while giving me a hug.
"How was school Gare?" I asked.
"Not too bad, how about yourself?" He asked.
"Same, Eds?" I asked.
"Same." Eddie said. We all laughed, and walked out to the van. We stopped at the van as Eddie pulled out a cigarette, and lit it. I looked at the cigarette, and to him. I haven't smoke one in days. Shit haven't even smoked weed in days. He smiled at me as he handed me the cigarette. I smiled back.
"So, are you guys still going camping with Tripp's family, and Jeff after Hellfire?" I asked taking a drag.
"I was, but since you don't like camping, I was going to see if you wanted me to stay with you." Gareth said with a smile.
"No Gare, I'll be okay, I promise. Your big sister doesn't need a babysitter." I laughed.
"Okay, well I'm going to go with them so we can get food, and supplies. Eddie's going to stay with you till Hellfire. We will see you then. Love ya Seph." Gareth said while hugging me goodbye.
"Love you too bro, be safe." I replied.
I looked up at Eddie, and he smiled at me. He then opened the passenger door, and helped me in. He got in, and I looked at him. I gave him a soft smile.
"I can stay with you this weekend. I already planned on ditching." Eddie said.
"No sir! You need to go. I will be okay. Now take me to your trailer, and let's get you packed." I demanded.
"But I hate camping!!!" He whined.
"Just sleep back there, and you'll be fine ya big baby." I said while sticking my tongue out at him.
"Then I should make you come with, and you can just sleep back there with me." He said proudly.
"First of all, that would seem suspicious. Secondly, no." I said while smiling at him, and my head held high.
"You're mean." He pouted. I turned up the music, and blew him a kiss. He laughed, and shook his head at me.
"God you drive me crazy baby." He said while resting his hand on my thigh. The rest of the ride we just jammed peacefully. When we were almost there he gently squeezed my thigh three times again. I looked up at him.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"Oh, uh.. it's my silent way to say I love you." He said blushing. My heart felt whole.
"I love you too." I said then squeezed his hand four times.
We got to the trailer, and I laid on the bed admiring his beauty as he got ready. I know I told him I would tell him today, but I don't want to ruin their camping trip. I'll just tell him Sunday.
After he got done packing, we went to get some food. After, we smoked in the back of the van, then drove to the school for Hellfire.
After Eddie set up, everyone came in as happy as can be. The happiness was contagious. We all had a great time, and just like Dustin stated, we won. Eddie had never lost a campaign, but he looked so damn happy.

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