Halloween '85 (9)

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⚠️Sexual content⚠️

"Wow baby girl! You look scary, and hot all at the same time!" My mom said as she admired my costume.

Eddie is going as Michael Myers, and I'm just a bloody dead teen. Since Halloween is on a Thursday this year, and I'm doing great in school, my mom let me skip. We're throwing a surprise Halloween party for the younger kids in Hellfire. It's their first year not trick or treating, so we wanted to make sure it was still fun. My mom, and I spent the day making cookies, cupcakes, finger foods, and decorating. It was an amazing time. We talked about school, and what I want to do after. We also talked about Eddie, and I. She can't wait for us to give her a grand baby. I told her, she had a while for that. After we got done with everything, mom went to clean herself up, and get ready for her trip. She has to go out of town, but will be back Saturday. I hate that she has to be gone so often, but it makes me enjoy, and take in every precious moment I do have with her. If it wasn't for my mom, I don't know how I would have made it this far in life. She is my rock, my number one fan, my everything. On my wedding day she will be the one to walk me down the aisle, and stand up there with me as my maid of honor. She deserves the world for all the hard work she's done to raise two kids on her own. I swear, one day our band is going to make it big, and I will be the one to take care of her.
"Hey kid, what do you say about you, and I stepping out back to smoke before the losers get home?" My mom asked while holding up a joint. My mouth dropped in shock. "What? Didn't know your mom smoked? I know you kids do." She said winking at me. We both laughed, and I followed her outside.
"I knew you were a bad ass, but damn ma. You surprised me." I said while hitting the joint, and she laughed at me.
"So, when are you, and Eddie going to finally make love?" My mom asked with a grin. I gasped.
"Well! You're both 18, and finally together. I know you're a virgin. I'm assuming he is too considering I've never seen any other girls around the past 6 years. You're in love, like actual true love. I don't see the hold up." She said while passing me the joint. I took a big hit.
"Honestly, I have no idea. I think he's scared to make the move." I said, taking another hit. My mom, and Gareth still don't know about Billy. If she did, she'd understand why he hasn't yet. I'm ready though.
"Then you make it." She said. I looked at her confused, and took another hit. "He's known you forever. He's going to be delicate. You just might have to make the first move, if you're ready. Now give me that back ya damn hog!" She said while yanking the joint from me. We shared a laugh, then stopped when we heard loud music coming our way. We looked at eachother, and smiled. She put the joint out, and we ran inside, and got in our hiding positions. I heard the door open, and heard the kids excitement as they came inside. My mom jumped out, and yelled surprise. The kids screamed a little, and the older guys laughed. I stayed hidden until my first victim walked past. I popped up and screamed at them. Lucas screamed like a little girl, and fell back.

Everyone laughed at him.
"What the hell Seph!?" He asked while holding his hand over his heart. Max walked over, and helped him up.
"You'll have to excuse my boyfriend, he's a big baby." She said, and we all laughed.
Everyone made themselves at home, and dug into the food, and treats. I threw on Ghostbusters while they all got comfortable. I then went to the kitchen to make my plate. The whole time I was in there, I had an uneasy feeling that I was being watched. I slowly turned around to look out the kitchen window. My heart drops for a moment, because I had completely forgotten that Eddie was dressed as Michael Myers.

I began laughing. He came inside, and took off his mask.
"That was suffocating!" He said, then picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck. "God. You look amazing Persephone. You're driving me crazy!" He said with excitement. I kissed him, and heat ran through my body. I love this man with every part of my being. I pulled back.
"Maybe we can sneak off later after the youngsters leave." I said as he still held me in his arms. Our foreheads rested together. He began to smile.
"Oh trust me babe, it's our first Halloween together as a couple. I definitely have alone time planned. Don't you worry." He said. He kissed me, and set me down. I couldn't stop smiling. I grabbed my plate, and went to join the others. When I walked into the living room, I noticed max off to her self picking at her food.
"I'm going to go make sure Max is okay." I whispered to Eddie. He smiled at me as I headed over to her. She looked over at me when I sat beside her.
"Hey love, are you okay?" I asked. She looked away from me.
"Yeah. I'm fine." She replied. I grabbed her hand, and she met my eyes.
"I am here if you need to talk okay? I know it must be hard on you, and your family with Billy suddenly away. Just remember he's doing it to better himself for the ones he does love DEEEEP down inside." I giggled at the exaggerated way I said deep. She just stared at me with no emotion. I'm not very social besides my normal crew of all dudes, so I'm not sure what to do, or what I did.
"Can we go somewhere private for a second please?" She asked. I smiled, and took her hand. I took her to my room, and when I shut the door she wrapped her arms around me. I did the same, and held her tight.
"How are you so good?" She said, her voice muffled because of our embrace. I was confused.
"What do you mean love?" I asked. She let go, and looked up at me, but her eyes wouldn't meet mine.
"I... I know what he did... to you.. One of his steps, was confessing his biggest mistake to the person he cares most about.." She said quietly.
"I never personally knew you, and Billy's relationship, but from the outside it didn't seem okay. I know why he is the way he is, and why he is getting help. I also know this must be very confusing for you. You probably have many emotions about the whole situation, and it must be very overwhelming. I am so sorry Max. I also hope with Billy's absence, his father hasn't taken anything out on you or your mother.." I said cautiously.
"No, he never touched us, just Billy. He left my mom anyway. Blamed her for Billy 'thinking he needs help'." She said as she rolled her eyes. We both giggled.
"I'm always here if you need me okay?" I said while hugging her again.
"Thank you." She replied. We headed back downstairs, and finished our food, and movie. My mom left in the middle, and we said our goodbyes. We sat around just chatting. El, and Max picked on Mike, and Lucas, while we all joined in. Suddenly a knock was at my door. I went to opened the door to Nancy.
"Hey Nancy! Happy Halloween! How are you?" I asked. She kept her head down.
"I'm good, thanks for asking. I'm here to take the kids home." She said quietly.
"I can take Dustin home.." Jonathan said from behind her.
"No I've got it." She said with no emotion. I guess they're having relationship problems.
"Kids! You're rides here! Don't forget your goodie bags on your way! Also grab one per sibling you have!" I screamed inside. I turned to Nancy, and grabbed her hand.
"I'm here if you need to talk." I said with a smile.
"Thank you Persephone. I'm going to go wait in the car. I hope you have a great rest of your night." She said, then hugged me. I said goodbye to all the kids, and headed back inside.
"I'm going to go stay at Jeff's tonight. Love you sis!" Gareth said, as him, and the rest of the guys left. Leaving Eddie, and I alone. I looked at the clock, and it's only eight o'clock. Suddenly Eddie wraps his arms around my waist from behind me. I tilt my head to look up at him.
"I have a surprise for you." He said, then kissed me.
"What? How?" I asked in confusion.
"Shhh. Just follow me." He said taking my hand, and led me upstairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, he put his hands over my eyes.
"Eddie!" I whined.
"Shh, trust me." He said. He then led me somewhere, and shut the door behind us. He dropped his hands from my eyes, and my heart fluttered. My mouth dropped. We were in my room, but Eddie had black candles that blead red as it melted, black rose petals spread out all over the floor, and had Halloween on the TV ready to be played.
"Oh Eds, how did you do this?" I asked, throwing my arms around his neck. He chuckled, and I kissed him passionately.
"While you were distracted with the kids, I set us up a little at home date night. I have some crown, if you want it, and a few joints rolled." He said then kissing me again. I moaned as our lips moved perfectly together. I brought my hand to the back of his head, and gently pulled his hair as our kiss deepened. He moaned, and pulled me into him more. His hand slowly traveling down my back, and gently squeezed my ass.
"Eddie.." I moaned. My body heating up. We haven't done anything besides cuddle, and kiss since the incident. My whole body craved more.
"Ready to light up, and start the movie my love?" He asked after pulling away from our kiss.
"Yes sir." I replied. He held my hand as he led me to my bed. I thought about the fake blood that was all over my body getting all over my bedding, but honestly. I do not care. I'm just ready to relax with my Eddie. I sat down, and he took my shoes off for me, then kissed my head. I got comfortable as he took his shoes, and Michael suit off. He then joined me in bed. He lit up a joint, and we enjoyed it while cuddled up, and watching our favorite movie.
About halfway through, I couldn't take it anymore. All I could think about, was how much I needed all of him. Now. I looked up at him, and studied his perfect jawline, and soft smooth skin. My eyes traveled to his lips. They are slightly open as he focuses on the movie. The thought of those perfect, soft lips on mine. On my body... saying my name... I bit my bottom lip as I began to get lost in lustful thoughts. Every part of me craves every part of him. I slowly got on top of him, and began kissing down his neck to his sensitive spot, biting, and sucking there.
"Persephone.." He moaned. His hands traveled to my thighs, and squeezed. I started to grind against him and moaned against his skin. I leaned back, and slowly took my blood soaked dress off. I looked down at Eddie, as he looks up at me with pure desire. He leaned up, and wrapped one arm around my waist, and the other in my hair. Our tongues danced, as I ride his bulge. Sweet moans escaping us.
Eddie's hand moved up my back, and unclasped my bra. I threw it to the side. Eddie pulled me into him, and he kissed down my neck, to my breast. His tongue teased my nipple before he began sucking on it. He then moved his hand down to my clit, and began to gently rub it. I threw my head back.
"Eddie." I moaned.
"You like that princess?" He asked while looking me in my eyes.
"Yes, but I need more." I said then pushed him back down on the bed. I kissed down his chest, and torso. I took his boxers off, and threw them to the side. I immediately took in his entire dick, while rubbing his balls. He threw his head back, and pulled my hair. After I deep throated his dick for a moment I pulled back, and looked up at him.
"I need you Eddie. I need you now." I said seductively. He picked me up, flipped me over, and laid me down. He trailed down my body with kisses, then took my panties off with his teeth. He came back up to me, and kissed me sweetly, while gently rubbing my clit.
"Are you sure you're ready?" He asked.
"I've never been more ready." I said kissing him.
"I.. I didn't plan on this, and I don't have a condom, but I can still." He tried to say, but I interrupted him.
"You're a virgin too right?" I asked.
"Ye.. yes?"
"Then as long as you pull out, we should be okay. I need you Eddie, so if you're okay with it, I am." I said while looking into his eyes. He kissed me, and began to rub my clit again. He positioned himself, and pulled me up to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. As we kept eye contact he slowly entered me. We both moaned. He slowly started to pick up the pace, and I arched my back. He then brought his hand to my clit again, making me throw my head back.
"Oh my God Eddie!"
"You feel so fucking good princess."
"Oh my God. Yes Eddie."
"Oh my God. I love you Persephone."
"I love you.." I barely said. I couldn't speak as I came all over him, as he pulled out, and came all over me. He fell down beside me, as we both laid there, and caught our breath. Eddie suddenly got out of bed, and picked me up.
"What are you doing!?" I laughed.
"We need to shower baby." He said, then looked me up, and down. "Your a bloody mess." He said, with the biggest grin.
"Ha ha ha! Very funny. You're the one that had sex with all this." I said motioning to the fake blood on my face. He laughed, and checked the water to make sure it was a good temperature.
"Is this good love?" He asked. I tested it, grabbed his hand, and pulled him into the shower with me. We washed eachother, and shared kisses here, and there. Eddie turned the heat up, and positioned me to where the water will hit the back of my neck. It was extremely relaxing.
"Wait right here baby, I'll be right back." He said then kissed my cheek, and got out. I did as he said, and got lost in pure bliss. I'm not sure how much time had passed by the time he came back, and I didn't care. I turned off the water, and he wrapped me up in a towel. I kind of dried my hair with a towel, and followed Eddie to the bed. He blew out the candles, changed the bedding, put in Halloween Two, and had water, and fruit on the nightstand.
"Eddie Beck Munson! You keep amazing me." I said then crawled into bed. We snuggled up, lit up, and pressed play. After the munchies set in, we enjoyed the fruit. Feeding it to each other. The movie was just a little over half way done as we laid there naked. I laid on top of his chest, and traced his tattoo. Eddie played with my hair, and I laid there in pure bliss again. I was finally truly happy again. I have my Eddie, Gareth, my mom, and our family dinners every Sunday. I have the Hellfire club, the band, I have it all. As much as I hate school I don't want it to end. I don't want any of this to ever end. I push away the thought as Eddie kisses the top of my head.
"I'm falling asleep baby, I love you." He said.
"Goodnight my love." I said as I kissed his chest, and we drifted off to sleep.

A/N Hope this chapter makes up for not posting yesterday 🖤 I love you guys, and hope you enjoy. I'll have a short chapter out tonight. (9.27.22)

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