BOOM (15)

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"Persephone.." my dad said. I opened my eyes, and saw him sitting on one side of me on my bed, and Eddie on the other. They smiled at me,

 and butterflies stormed my tummy

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and butterflies stormed my tummy. Eddie is still driving me crazy even though he's basically been a part of our family for four months.
"Merry Christmas!" They both shouted at me. I sat up quickly, and jumped on my dad's back. He ran me downstairs where we met Wayne, Mom, and Gareth in the living room. It's the first of many years we had Christmas with Eddie, and Wayne. I stood there, and took in the moment.
I shot up, and threw up all the water that was in my lungs. Gasping for air, and life. My vision was blurry, and my chest was killing me.
"Oh thank god." A man said, sending a chill down my spine. I blink a few times until I can see clearly. I slowly look to my side, and Billy is in just his boxers, and soaking wet.

 I slowly look to my side, and Billy is in just his boxers, and soaking wet

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Out of nowhere it hit me. I fell through the ice, and I think I died.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. I just heard the ice break, and a scream. So I took off my clothes, and went in after whoever. My clothes are dry so please take them so you can be warm. I understand if not, and if you want me to leave. I just want to make sure you're okay, and safe. You died Persephone. I know you won't believe me, but that hurt, and scared the shit out of me.." Billy rambled on, but my head was pounding. My chest in pain, and my vision began to pulse in, and out.
"Billy. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Please." I said trying to process everything.
"I read the letter. I'm glad you got help, and I hope it worked. I do thank you for saving my life, but I do not forgive you yet. I do see the good in you though Billy. So don't give up. I just.. I'm exhausted, freezing, and my chest hurts. I need my Eddie." I said, before everything went black again.

*Eddie's POV*
"Alright! Just in time boy! The sun is setting." Wayne said after I shut the hood to his truck.
"Yep, now I gotta get home to my woman. We've had an eventful day, and I just want to relax with my girl." I said as I gave Wayne a hug goodbye.
"Love you" Wayne said.
"Love you too!" I replied. I jammed out to my Iron Maiden cassette on the way back to my girl. I pulled into the driveway, and headed inside.
"Seph! I'm home!" I said excitedly, but got no response. I went upstairs to see if she had fallen asleep, but she wasn't there.
"Babe?" I called out worried. I looked around the entire house, and outside. She was no where to be found. My heart was racing, and my vision was getting blurry. I was about to call Hopper when I heard the door jiggle. I ran to the door, and unlocked it. Persephone stood there soaking wet, shivering, and pale. I picked her up bridal style, and brought her inside. She broke down in my arms as I brought her upstairs, and started a warm shower. I held her close as we waited for the water to warm up. I undressed her, and myself. We got into the shower, and she held onto me for dear life the entire time. Still shaking a bit.
When she was warmed up enough we got out, and I wrapped her in a towel. I dressed her in fuzzy socks, a sweater, and sweatpants. She's too weak to help herself, and it breaks my heart. I then carried her to bed, and pulled her in close. I'm not sure what happened, I'm just thankful she is alive, and okay. She is my world, and I cannot survive without her.

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