Prologue, Part 2: An Aspect In Training

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The Whitecap Tundra was a perfect, picturesque combination of ice and snow; a perpetual winter wonderland, if you will. Beautiful, ornate ice sculptures of various animals and fantasy creatures from Earth dotted the landscape, and most of the region was taken up by a community of cabins which acted as the Ice Sect mages' residences. 

In the center, however, was a massive ice castle known as Aurora Keep, which served as Frost King Alpin's base of operations and where he kept an eye on the other mages when he wasn't tending to matters with the other sect leaders in the Grand Terminus. 

Today, on the highest balcony of the Frost King's headquarters, he was hard at work training the girl who would one day become the Mage Aspects' most powerful student. 

The king wore a lengthy, long-sleeve robe with white and dark blue colors, pauldrons that appeared to look like masses of icicles, and a white hood that was almost always up. His skin was a bright, translucent sheen, almost as if he himself was made from ice. Finally, he wielded a staff which he used to cast spells, and wore a highly-decorated crown which neatly fixated itself around his hood.

 As he stood observantly, his steely blue eyes observing his pupil's every move, he issued orders in a calm and understanding---yet firm---manner. 

His trainee was a young girl with partly blonde hair---although she had started to develop some light-blue streaks as a result of constantly being in such a cold environment---fair skin, blue eyes with dark pupils, and a solid white robe similar in structure to the king's. Although she hadn't advanced far enough in her lessons yet to be given a weapon, it was clear that she was a fast learner. 

"Focus, Coldsnap," Alpin instructed. "Try to hit all three of them this time." 

As she stood on the balcony facing a set of targets, she closed her eyes, concentrated, weaved her arms and hands around gracefully as if she were about to perform a spell, and materialized a trio of small---but sharp---snowflakes into her hand, wielding them as if they were throwing stars. Then, she spun around once and let them loose. 

Not only did every projectile hit a separate target, but they also landed dead-center. Once she had stood there for a few seconds and realized exactly what she just did, she cheered in excitement. "Did you see that, Your Majesty?" she exclaimed. "I did it!" 

The king chuckled. "Indeed, you have. You've come a long way, there's no doubting that. It did take you several tries, though....." 

Coldsnap sighed. "I eyesight hasn't always been the best. I mean....I know you keep telling me that I'm stronger than the others, but I feel like I could be even better if I just had that one thing fixed, you know? In a way.....I still feel inferior to them in that regard. I can do all these amazing things.....yet I lack something so basic." 

Alpin took a deep breath; it was obvious that he felt sympathy for her plight, despite his long-term ulterior motives. "Perhaps you need a break. Would you like to come with me to the frozen lake? We can relax and maybe you can tell me more about what's on your mind." 


The two of them sat on an ice bench near a lake that seemed to be stuck in an unending frozen state, with only one portion being thawed somewhat to allow the other mages to fish in their free time. 

"Your vision defect.....there's no doubt it must weigh heavily on you, does it not?" asked the king. 

"Yeah....." Coldsnap muttered. "I have trouble seeing things that are too far away....and I feel like we could've made so much more progress if it weren't for that. Why couldn't the Ascendant have made me like the others?" 

Coldsnap: Harbinger of IceWhere stories live. Discover now