Chapter 9: Flamestar's Fiery Forces

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The entire area looked like a more ominous version of the Grand Terminus chapel; a large, rocky cave with several rows of pews for the Fire Sect leader's true followers---who wore black robes with orange lining rather than red ones with yellow lining---and several aberrations born from fire lining the outer walls, standing at the ready and eager to receive Flamestar's orders. 

After Flamestar had officially greeted them, the crowd immediately began conversing amongst themselves, muttering about what news their superior would bring this time. 

Ignicion tapped his longsword on the ground twice, sending a clanging sound reverberating throughout the chamber and regaining the group's attention. 

"The time of reckoning is almost upon us, Seared Hand. Long have the Mage Aspects fought tirelessly....and even gave their lives in some cases....for a fool's errand. Why do we seek to defend such a lost species? One that is destined to meet their end eventually? The answer is.....we shouldn't," Flamestar said. 

The congregation burst into an uproar of agreement. 

"They make all of these flashy advancements with technology.....and what do they do with it? Hijack four planes and commit mass murder on their own kind," one of the Seared Hand followers pointed out. 

"They go to war with each other rather than helping them improve!" another one exclaimed. 

"They killed a member of the royal family with their sick obsessions!" a third one cried. 

"They refuse to do anything about global warming even though it's destroying their home!" one of the molten giants roared. 

An imp sitting on the giant's shoulder raised his hand. "Same goes for climate change!" he added in a high, shrill voice. 

"Stow your anger, everyone...." Ignicion mused. "There is no doubt that this big blue ball below us is filled to the brim with trials and tribulations. It's a never-ending struggle.....a failed system where the wealthy prosper and the poor are left alone to fend for themselves. It doesn't matter how much intellect or potential you have.....if you don't have money, you won't advance far in life." 

"But there is a solution," Flamestar continued. "We will overrun this world and bring the humans to justice. It will become consumed in the never-ending fires of our magic.....and these self-destructive insects will finally know the error of their ways. Think of it as....'hitting the reset button', so to speak. And after that....we'll all get to start over somewhere new. Let us hope that place is better than this one." 

A member of the Seared Hand raised their.....hand. This one seemed particularly affected by bloodlust; his eyes were wide and bloodshot, and he had a hook for a hand. 

"How long are we going to wait down here, Flamestar? I want to get to breaking some bones!" 

"For just leave everything to me," the Fire Sect leader instructed. "We must make sure that nothing stands in our way before we inevitably surge forth and bring death and destruction to every corner of this planet." 

A fire elemental wearing a set of charred black armor chimed in. "The other Mage Aspects and their leaders likely won't approve of what we're doing, Flamestar. They cling too tightly to the Aspects' lost cause. Do we have a plan on how to deal with them?" 

Flamestar smiled. It was true that he was going to have to go against the three other Mage Aspect orders if he were to proceed with his scheme. Luckily, his plot had already been put into motion; he already had one of their leaders---Frost King Alpin---wrapped around his finger, and was in a position to easily manipulate him and his actions

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