Prologue, Part 5: Exiled to Earth

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One week later, the Grand Terminus chapel was once again filled with mages from all four sects, clamoring amongst themselves about what exactly this meeting was for. It couldn't have been for the birth of another Aspect; that time had already passed, and would not come again for another year.

"What's going on?" asked an Earth Sect mage.

"I don't know.....but Flamestar canceled our training session for this," a Fire Sect mage replied. "Let's hope it was worth it."

"Whatever, man.....I just go with the flow....." one of the Water Sect mages mused, summoning a globule and fully "drinking" it within seconds. "Ahhh.....who needs water bottles when you can do stuff like that?"

Shortly afterward, the entire audience quieted down as the four Sect Leaders advanced down the center aisle once more, except with one difference this time; Coldsnap, Frost King Alpin's student, stood at his side. Now, there were five people at the front of the room rather than just four. Additionally, Firebird, Morton Flamestar's aide, stood vigilantly at one side of the stage, guarding the proceedings while Leo stood at the other side; further from Coldsnap, much to her relief.

"Sledge still nervous," the Earth Sect Leader said. "Will stay as far away from ice goddess as possible."

".....Ummm.....thanks....?" Coldsnap replied, unsure of whether to take that as a compliment or an insult.

Alpin smiled. "That's a good thing. Anyways, moving on....."

An earth mage in the congregation raised their hand. "What is this for, Frost King? If I remember correctly, you were the one who requested it."

Everyone started chatting amongst themselves once more; after seeing how Coldsnap was standing next to Alpin, one of the other ice mages in the gathering guessed that he was going to retire and pass his duties onto her. This deeply flustered the Frost King, but he tried his best not to show it.

"Oh no, my fact, it is something even better," he responded. He glanced towards his ally, Morton Flamestar, who gave him a knowing nod in response.

"Okay, everyone! Calm down, calm down!" the Fire Sect Leader called, silencing the chamber yet again. "It is true that Frost King Alpin has asked us to meet, but in truth, he has sought my assistance as well, in order to ensure that this goes as planned. a very bittersweet day. I would tell the story myself, but it is my friend Alpin who obtained the message, so I believe I shall hand it over to him."

With that, Flamestar and Alpin switched places, with the Frost King now standing in the center and Flamestar closely monitoring Coldsnap.

Alpin cleared his throat. "A few days ago, I began receiving whispers from the Ascendant, informing me of an impending threat; one that is more powerful and more dangerous than anything we have faced thus far. Seeking answers, I begged him to show me a sign; anything that might help us learn more about our enemy, or otherwise defeat this oncoming menace. Initially, I received no response. But soon.....I was given a specific set of instructions."

He motioned for his pupil to approach and stand by his side. "It involves the mage Coldsnap; the most potent Ice Sect member to have been birthed by the Ascendant."

Everyone clapped eagerly. Coldsnap, now confused since she wasn't told anything about this beforehand, glanced at Firebird and Leo, hoping for some clarification, but all they had to offer was a supportive grin and a thumbs-up, and a neutral frown, respectively.

However, the Frost King was quick to get everyone to stop applauding. "Remarkably enough, I wasn't quite finished....." he said. "The Ascendant has told me that Coldsnap must be expelled to Earth for an indefinite amount of time, so that he may begin preparing her for the day when she steps up to face this foe of ours."

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