Chapter 13: The Way of Water

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The Tidal Throne was an expansive, aquatic domain with tall water walls on each of its outer edges. Also lining the external walls were massive aquariums containing all sorts of thriving aquatic life, living in peaceful bliss without fear of their environment ever becoming polluted. The overall structure of the Water Sect's region was a brief walkway from the entrance portal, followed by a large central chamber consisting of Hydraxus's throne, a big glass table in the middle, and a few other services such as a drink stand and a relaxation corner. Branching off of the central room were long, winding passages that led to five other secondary areas which mostly served as training grounds for the adept Water Sect mages. Finally, potted plants and sprawling foliage decorated the entrances and exits; although the water mages' focus was on the aquatics, they had an appreciation for how it helped nature grow as well. 

"Wow...." Firebird mused, sounding rather impressed. "It's so beautiful here!" 

Leo nodded eagerly. "Right? I could never appreciate it before!" 

Whereas the two visiting fire mages mostly stuck to the walkways, Coldsnap was able to walk on the numerous bodies of water without falling in; her feet created sizable ice pads wherever she stepped which prevented her from being submerged. 

"I bid you a warm welcome to our watery domain....though I will admit maintaining it can be quite a pain. To the fire-forged heroes, and their icy ace....I would like to re-introduce you to a familiar face," Hydraxus beckoned as he glanced towards a particular water mage who appeared to be focused on creating a tall water spout that almost reached the ceiling. 

He looked towards her and let out a whistle. Soon, she came running out of one of the training rooms and rushed up to the group. The blue, ornately-decorated robe, the aquatic staff, the tan skin, the dark hair, and the glowing, light-blue eye scar made her distinguishable almost immediately. 

"Keena!" Coldsnap exclaimed. 

"Coldsnap, it's you!" the young water mage said as the two of them shared a hug. 

"I wasn't aware you were going to return so soon! Didn't I just see you and your friends yesterday, back on Earth?" she asked her. Then, she realized something. "Wait.....Alpin and Flamestar told the other mages about two years ago that they were sending you away to prepare for a.....'dangerous' threat. Since you're here the time almost upon us?" 

Hydraxus, Leo, Firebird, and Coldsnap exchanged worried glances, wondering how they were going to break the news to Keena. 

"Keena, my pupil, allow us to give you a briefing. These current events are dire....and not very pleasing. This is not the time for fun; it is the time for action; we must prevent Flamestar from gaining any traction." Hydraxus began. 

"You really mean to tell me that Flamestar, the leader of the Fire Sect, is up to something? Nice try. He's been nothing but nice to the mages over the last several years," Keena protested. 

Firebird sighed. "I thought so, too. Until...." She took out her scrying orb. "I stumbled upon this." 

The female water mage's eyes widened as her gaze darted back and forth between Hydraxus, the scrying orb, and the rest of the party. Her master gestured her to follow him and the rest of the Mage Aspects towards the central table. Once the five of them had gathered together around it, Hydraxus took the orb from Firebird, placed it in the middle, and pressed a button underneath the table to project its image upward, to make it appear larger for all of them to see. 

Keena watched the entire recorded clip in horror as Flamestar officiated a secret meeting between himself, his vanguard Ignicion, and the rest of his minions. 

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