Waves and Dangers

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The next day, I decide to take a walk down at the beach. I go early in the morning and tell Clark I'll be backwater. He insisted that I let Phillip drive me, but I decided to take a cab.

Staring out towards the water, it amazes me how it glistens against the rays of the sun. A smile spreads my face and I feel the warmness of the sun as it hits my back. I look like your average beach guy right now. Even if bland had the slightest clue where to find me, he'd never know it was me.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I look to the side of me only to see Dakota's beautiful face as the wind flows through her hair.

"It sure is." She looks down as if she's trying to figure out what to say next and I look back out to the water.

"Eli, listen. I'm really sorry about the other night, I didn't mean to get that intoxicated, you must think I'm some girl that just gets drunk all the time."

"What? No, not at all. If anything, I don't think you're anything like that."

She smiles and pushes her hair behind her ear. "Thanks. I appreciate you getting my car to my place and making sure I got home. Most guys would take the opportunity to.....you know, but you didn't, so thank you." Smiling, I wrap my arm around Dakota and pull her in close to me, embracing her.

"Wow, just look at that view." I stare at her, while her gaze is fixed on the water.

"I am." Suddenly her gaze lies upon me and our eyes lock. Time stops and for a moment, all I know is that I want this girl. Our heads get closer, closing the gap between us and in the moment my lips barely brush against hers.

Slam! We look up and immediately anger fills my body. The goons from my club that tried to get Vikki get out of a black car and begin to walk towards me and Dakota. There going to pay for this.

"Eli, are they coming towards us?" My jaw tightens.

"Let's go." I grab Dakota's hand and we run.

"Wait, what's going on?"

"No time to explain, just come on." I take out my phone and call Phillip. Behind me I heard voices shouting. Dakota's grip tightens and I know she looked back and didn't like what she saw.

"I'm on my way!" Phillip's voice has urgency behind it and I know he knows the emergency of this situation.

I try to get rid of the goons by cutting through a group of people and behind a hotdog stand. Noticing a small building with restrooms, I pull Dakota to it and as soon as we're behind doors, I lock it.

"Eli, what's going on?!" Dakota tries to catch her breath, but the panic in her voice keeps her from calming.

"I'll explain when we're safe, but for now we've got to keep moving." I urge her away from the door, so the goons won't see us.

"I'm pretty sure this is safe." Just then I hear the bodies of the goons trying to break open the door. "Maybe not."

We run looking for a way out. I find an emergency exit, just in time. "Dakota, over here!" She runs toward me and out of the door. Just as I'm about to close the door, the goons appear into the hall and I slam the door before they can come towards us. "This way, quick!" She takes a hold of my hand and we run towards the parking lot, where Phillip told me he'd meet me.

"Don't you think we should be getting out of public?"

"Just trust me." We go through cars and I search for Phillip.

"Yeah, I'm trusting a guy who has two men chasing after him." I stop running and look at her.

"How are you so sure they're after me?"

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