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"So Blane killed my father, and you mean to tell me he was the one who had your father killed too?" We sat at the kitchen counter eating burgers.

"Yeah. He killed your father, my father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother. I'm the last of the King's family."

"Unbelievable. What is he even after?" I take a bite of my burger.

"The money in the stair case." Dakota's head snaps towards me so fast.

"What money in the stair case?" Before talking I take a sip of my coke. That's right, I said coke. I figured, after seeing how Dakota handles alcohol, that we should probably put a hold on that, and after having something slipped in her drink, she really doesn't want anything to do with liquor.

"You remember the first day I brought you here, and you tripped in that loose step?" A smile spreads her face.

"Alex, you sneak." She playfully punches my arm and we both laugh. "What did he do to all of them, well, I mean I know what happened to your dad, but what about the rest of them?"

Like I had said, my mother was killed two months after my father. She was upstairs handling business with a "client" who turned out to be one of Blane's employees undercover.

She was leaving the room, when Blane showed up and they took her too one of the rooms on this floor where they beat her senseless among where the money was, she was a trooper and refused to talk. They then took her to one of Blane's clubs where they tried to electrocute her, but he couldn't kill her because she was the only one who knew, or do they thought. My mom showed me everything.

After a while, Blane was tired of dealing with her and realized she wouldn't talk. So, he had her put in an old car, where they put it on railroad tracks and that was it.

"How can my sister work for someone so cruel and not know it?"

"Oh, she knows it. He probably promised her some of the cut. If Blane took over my families business, he'd be the most powerful man in the world."

Now, my brother. He got caught between Blane's shenanigans on accident. He was tired of living on the run all the time, he got tired of not living a normal life. Now matter how many gunshots, cries, and screams he heard, or much blood and dead bodies he saw. Even though we were use to them, he never really got use to them, Chase tried to make his life as normal as possible. It was actually dangerous.

Our parents's death had affected him deeply. So, he started to make friends and would be out at all hours of the night, once we all became teenagers.

One day his friends had this brilliant idea that they should all go clubbing, but little did he know they worked for Blane. So, they agreed to go to one of the Crater clubs, I tried to convince him not to go.

"Chase, are you crazy?! Mom, and dad warned us about any place with the name Crater in them since we could comprehend anything!"

"I don't care!"

"What about us Chase?! We were suppose to be a family ! Mom and dad went through so much trouble protecting us and you don't care!"

"I didn't ask them to!"

Christina got in between Me and Chase because our faces were, our temple's throbbed, and our veins showed through our necks.

"Stop it, you two! We have to stay together!" Chase pushed her and she fell to the ground.

None of us had ever put our hand on one another no matter how many times we fought or argued. Tears streamed down Christina's face and we all started at each other in shock.

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