Echos and Tears

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Dakota left that morning and I saw too it that I sent her off. Marcus drive her to the parking lot where Phillip got her, and then took her to the plane. It broke my heart for her to go, but I had faith she'd come back.

My mom sat on the couch with tears running down her cheeks. My father had gone to handle business and my mother, like always assured us that he'd come back. My brother and sister just held her, they thought that she was crying because she missed him, but I knew better. She was crying because she was scared, she didn't know if that was the last time she'd ever see him again.

Later that night my mom made sure we were all asleep and had left the apartment. The only thing was, I couldn't sleep, every time I closed my eyes, I would see the tears streaming down her face.

I got up and left my room, careful not to wake my brother and sister. As quiet as I could be, I followed after my mother. A drunk was in the hallway sulking about someone named Dalota. At the time I thought nothing of him because he always sulked of this person. Every resident in the building only tolerated him, but I felt sorry for him.

I noticed my mother down the hall, she had went into the room we had all made for her. I ran after her, she hadn't closed the door all the way, it was cracked. So I pushed it open slowly and there she was, my mother, smoking and drinking. Her face was pale, her nose red. Tears stained her eyes and stress in her heart. "Mother."

At the sound of my voice, she turned to see me. At the sight of my face she only cried harder. Ignoring me she took another drink from her glass and turned away from me. I could tell pain ran through her body, a feeling too familiar to her. "Mother." She let her head hang. Moving she put out her smoke and sat on the couch still ignoring me.

I had to make her talk to me, even if she didn't I had to show her that I loved her and I was there for her, so I sat next to her and just held her. She cried harder. In my hands I held a woman so beautiful and so broken.

"Alexander. You know as the oldest you have to watch out for your brother and sister." Her voice was shaky.

"I know, mom." She tries to calm herself.

"So, why did you leave them?" I held her tighter.

"You and dad might be able to fool Christina and Chase, but I am not one to be fooled. I knew your pain was deeper."

"Alex. If you love something you have to let it go, and if it comes back, then it means so much more."

If Dakota comes back, than I know she's mine and I know she cares for me, but if she doesn't, than I understand. Oh, how much I hope she comes back.

Days go by and Dakota has not yet returned. I went back to the office and handled business that I had abandoned. I went to go to the club and was surprised to see how happy Blythe was.

Just then, my phone rang. The name read Zack. I had completely forgot about the grocery store because I had been on the run so much. "Hello."

"What? Did you just think that because I told you to go home early meant that you could never come back?!"

"Zack. I know, I'm sorry. I completely abandoned my work and I know it's short notice and all, but I have to quit."

"Quit?!" He laughs. "Buddy, you're fired!" With that he hangs up. How could I forget about work? That was the only thing that helped me blend in. It's Dakota, I'm so caught up in protecting her that everything else doesn't seem to matter.

The next day, I just sit in the apartment alone. Hoping that soon Dakota will return because if she doesn't, I don't know what I'll do. As I lay on the couch there's a faint knock on the door.

Part of me is curious and the other part of me is cautious. Slowly walking towards the door, I peep out the peep hole and see blond hair. Happiness fills me and I open the door so fast.

Dakota stands talking and laughing with another girl that looks like her. She also has blond hair, but it's short. Dakota looks up long enough to see me. "Alex! I've missed you." She kisses my cheek and walks into the room with bags. The other girl carries in bags too.

"I've missed you too.......who's your friend." I look at the stranger that seems quite comfortable in my home.

"This is my sister, Lori." Sister?

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