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Making my way over to the bar, I'm careful as to make sure they guys don't see me. I turn my back from them, but stay close enough to hear what they're saying.

"Vikki, baby, you've been working for this Mr. Kings, for what? A few years and you've never seen the guy. How can you be so sure he's real?" Vikki cleans out a glass.

"I get paid, don't I?"

"It's unnatural for an employee to not know who they're working for. Now if you come work for Blane, you'll know who your boss is and you'll get paid double of what you make here."

"Yeah, besides, what you make here is just dirty money."

"It's all dirty money, or did Blane just brainwash you two idiots into thinking something different?"

"What does this King guy give you that Blane can't." Vikki is now obviously irritated and I wait to see just how loyal her services to me are, but I can sense she's tense. She knows to choose her words and decisions carefully, Vikki's seen it all.

"I've been working for King years. He's never given me a reason to not trust him as long as my money keeps coming in, I'm staying, and you can tell Blane that." They all stare each other down.

"Fine, just take this card for if you ever change your mind." The guy puts the card on the table.

"I won't need it." Vikki takes the card and throws it in the trash. Smart girl.

"Did you miss me?" I walk up to the bar and she gives me a charming smile.

"Always. You want another round?" I shrug and shake my head.

"No, I better get going. See you around Vikki, baby." I leave her a huge tip like always.

"Alright, handsome. Don't wait too long to come visit your girl." She gets back to work and I straighten my tie and leave.

Blane has some nerve thinking he's just going to send some goons waltzing right in to my businesses, thinking he's just going to take my employees from me. Lucky for them, they know the costs of just leaving without permission. No one gets out that easy.

Stepping into the club, the aroma of liquor and smoke automatically hits my face. I step up to the bar just like those goons did at my place and have a seat.
The barista catches my eye and I can't help, but notice how stunningly beautiful she is. If Blane wants to play this game, than fine we can play.

"Hiya, handsome. What can I do for you?" She flashes a million dollar smile at me.

"Uh, yeah let me get the wings and a water." I smile at her.

"A water, huh? You know, most men as charming as you usually come to the bar for a drink, not a water."

"What can I say, I'm different." And smiles and pours me a water. "What's a beautiful girl like you, working in a dump like this for?"

She truly was beautiful. Long, wavy black hair and bright brown eyes. Her skin was golden and gave her a glow, she had full pink lips. Whoever she was, she'd do just fine at one of my clubs.

"I assure you Mr.-"


"Mr. Clark. It pays well. Despite the men that try to throw themselves at me all the time, I'm happy."

"What's your name?" She turns to look at me and the look I give her makes her stare in awe.

"B-Blythe." She stutters and I can't help, but chuckle.

"Blythe. That's a beautiful name, well Ms. Blythe, I assure you I know a place where you can make triple of what you make here and I assure you, I'll personally make sure the men don't bother you." I can tell by the look in her eyes that I've got her, she's basically sold on the whole idea.

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