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A gasp eluded my lips and I was absolutely speechless. "Alex- it's amazing." All around me hung fluorescent, colorful lights on strings. On one part of the venue was a huge Ferris wheel that lit up in colors and there were roller coasters, cotton candy, and game booths everywhere. People laughed at every place you looked and there was live music.

"I'm glad you like it." He smiles and grabs my hand. Walking away from the car an excitement like no other rushes through my veins.

"You two have fun!" Marcus calls out to us and I look back. He had this huge smile on his face and waves goodbye. I smile the biggest smile I've ever smiled since the past couple of days and wave bye.

"Are you ready?" I look to Alex who has the cutest smile I've ever seen. He steps in front of me.

"For what?"

"The greatest night of your life." He extends his hand out to me and I take it. His smile is so addicting, it's a shame people miss out on seeing it- he really is a sight to behold.

Alexander has black hair that's slicked back, his eyes are brown, and he has a movie star face, in fact, everything about him screams movie star. He had facial hair, but it's very faint. I feel like an actress around him, and this is our action-packed life.

"Why don't we try that one." He point to a ride that's circular and closed in like a space ship. I read the sign.

"Twirl-n-whirl. You ever been on it?"

"Yeah, it's fun. Come on." We jog towards the ride and step inside.

"This is a ride? What do you do?"

"It's a gravitational ride. Just lay back on the seat and the ride spins."

"Where are the seat belts?" I ask confused and he smirks.

"Trust me. You don't need any." A nervous flutter expands in my stomach as I lay flat on the seat. "Just relax."

As the ride starts, I know we're moving, but I can't really tell. I try to get up, but my body gravitates to the wall. I watch as people around me laugh and then all of a sudden my feet lift off the ground. As my seat hits the ceiling, I crack up laughing and Alex smiles at my reaction. Before you know it, we're both dying of laughter.

"I told you, you'd like it!" He shouts over the loud noise of the machine. I try to get up, but my butt stays suspended to the seat. "It's gravity!" Music plays and immediately, I'm having the time of my life.

After the ride, we walk over to a game station and I notice a huge teddy bear. Alex looks at the direction of my eyes. "You want it?" I look at him.

"What? No, no it's fine." I shake my head and he gives me a yeah right look. He walks over to the booth. "What are you doing?"

"Sir, what do I have to do to get that big bear over there?" It's weird I never heard Alex refer to anyone as Sir, before. I admired the fact that he tried to be as normal as possible, even though he wasn't.

"Well all you have to do is use that water gun right there, aim directly at the center of the target, and make that duck reach the top, until the bell rings, before time runs out."

Alex pays the man five dollars and I watch in amazement. I feel you didn't really know Alexander, you could tell he was determined in anything he does just by watching him. His eyes never left the target and he bent his knees until he was leveled with the target and tilted the water gun at a certain angle. His finger prepared to pull the trigger and as the timer sounded, he pressed it firmly.

The duck rises and all the way to the top and out of excitement I cheer him on. "You can do it!" Just as time is about to run out, the duck hits the bell and rings loudly.

"And we have a winner!" I run up to Alex and wrap my arms around him. He can't help, but smile and I kiss his cheek.

"I believe this is yours." He hands me the bear and I squeeze it tightly. He takes me to put my bear into the car and then we go off to ride more rides.

Towards the end of the night, Alex and I walk over to the concert. His arm is around my shoulders and I stay snuggled up close to him. He bought me blue cotton candy- my favorite- this day couldn't have been better.

We sit on a blanket in the grass and listen to the band play. I feed Alex some of my cotton candy. "Excuse me." I look up at a brunette who's leaned over towards me. "I just wanted to say that you two are the cutest couple I've ever seen! You two are definitely my #RELATIONSHIP GOALS!" I laugh and look at Alex who has a smirk on his face.

"Well thank you." Did she seriously say #relationship goals? When the girl leaves, I turn towards Alex. "Can you believe it? We're relationship goals."

"Yeah, if you want to be on the run and nearly escaping death everyday." His sarcastic remarks are so funny at times.

After the concert ends, it's time to go home. Alex and I walk hand in hand towards the car. "Thank you Alex. This truly was the best day ever." We stop walking and I stare into his eyes, he hasn't stop smiling since the concert, but the moment are eyes meet, his smile turns serious.

Alex slowly puts his hand on my face and time stops, his face slowly becomes closer to mine. Before I know it, his soft lips are against mine and the sound of fireworks explode in the background. I wouldn't trade this day for anything.

As Alex slowly pulls away, he hesitates. "Dakota, there's something you should know.....I had one of my employees follow us around all day to capture a picture of that kiss. I'll give it to you later, I hope you like it." An excitement rushes through me and I squeal.

"Really?! Even with the fireworks and everything?!" He nods. "Where is it?! I want to see it!" Alex chuckles and wraps his arm around me.

"You will. You will." We walk off towards the car and Marcus smiled when he sees us.

"Alex, this was the best day ever. Hands down."

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