New York Living

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As my plane touched down in New York, I sent Dakota a text message letting her know I made it and asking if everything was okay. She told me that everything was going well, and she couldn't wait until I came back.

All of me wishes she could be here, but I knew I had to get my work done. Besides, I had the best security looking after them, and Lori had no clue what was going on. There was no doubt in my mind that Dakota and Lori wouldn't be fine.

In my New York home, I try to concentrate on the business I need to handle, but I can't help, but feel empty. The echoes that bounce off the walls and disappear into oblivion nurture me like a lost child that's frightened and cold.

Memories of the past always seemed to find a crack in my brain, and squeeze through, until they were the only thoughts I thought of. I needed Dakota, it's funny how you never really know what a person means to you, until they're gone. If I never saw Dakota again, I would lose my mind.

After hours of doing paperwork and going over business proposals, my mind began to feel cluttered. I wasn't as calm as I usually was and decided that I needed to clear my mind.

I walked through Time Square aimlessly- wondering, reminiscing- this wasn't like me. Never before had I cared so much about being alone, but at this very moment I dreaded it. Even after everything I had been through, everything I had seen, the thought of being alone at this point frightened me.

A woman running from across the street, got her heel stuck on the curb and nearly fell into the crowd of people. Before her face could hit the pavement, I caught her and as soon as her eyes locked with mine she gasped. "Oh, my. Thank you, I'm glad you were here. You just saved me the embarrassment"

"No problem. You okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." The woman has big brown eyes and long, wavy, brown hair. She has on a button up, long sleeved, cheetah print shirt that's tucked into her red skirt that stops just above her knees, and red high heels.

"You had a pretty close call." I let her up and she brushes down her skirt.

"Well, you know how hard it is to cross the street, here." When she's stable, she looks me in my eyes. "Thank you, Mr." Turning to walk away, I can't help, but say it.

"Eli." She stops walking and turns to me.

"What?" Confusion raised in her face and she looked at me as if I called her a foul name.

"Eli. You called me Mister, but my name is Eli." She nods.

"Well, thank you Eli. I'm Maria." Maria looks up at all the lights and signs, the one she stares at in particularly is a black and white one with the words: Alexander across it. It has my picture on it, but my face is cut out and there's a white question mark across the face. "You ever just wonder how a business could be so successful, but it's ran by a guy that no one has ever seen? It's weird, right."

I look at the the sign and try to hold back a laugh because it's funny how everyone thinks they have my situation all figured out, and they actually have no clue at all. "Maybe he's just trying to protect himself." The fact that I said this caused her to laugh.

"From what? You have all this money and you're so successful, and yet you hide who you are."

"Right, and with all that money and power comes with a lot of people after you." A twinkle in Maria's eye let me know her brain had suddenly turned in another direction.

"I guess I never really thought of it like that." I nod.

"Many people don't. I actually feel sorry for him, no one really knows what he goes through, or what he's been through." Maria looks down and I take that as my cue to leave.

"Hey, how do you.........Eli?" She looks around, but can't see me. I move into the crowd of some people. Maria looks up at the sign and puts all the pieces together and smiles. "It was nice meeting you......Alexander."

"Likewise." I whisper and then go on my way.

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So, I thought about it and wouldn't it be fun to see what goes on in both New York and back home where Dakota and her sister are? I thought it would be, so the next few chapters are going to jump back and forth from Dakota and Alexander's POV.

Also, OMG ! Somebody knows who Alexander is!!!! 😱😱😱 So, the important question is: Will Maria knowing Alexander's true identity change anything?

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