The Gentleman

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Dakota has been in a funk ever since I decided that we stay here and not relocate. I know how hard this is on her, especially with the fact that she's not use to this type of lifestyle.

"Get dressed. We're leaving." I walk into the room, only to find Dakota sitting on the couch, watching tv.

"Where are we going?" She says a little startled. I cock my head to the side.

"It's a surprise. Why are you so jumpy?" She gets up.

"I'm jumpy because we're still here with those fools running around somewhere." I sigh and shake my head.

"Dakota, they're goons not fools." She mocks me and I can't help, but laugh. "It's hot outside, so where something summery."

We both get ready and I finish before her. It takes her 45 minutes to get ready and I can't help, but shake my head in dismay. She finally steps into the hallway and I'm frozen.

Dakota's hair cascades down her shoulders, she has on red shorts and a white and black baseball jersey with red letters, her strapped saddles are black. "Ready to go?"

"What's with all these jaw dropping outfits?" She smiles at me with her eyes and immediately, they lock with mine.

"I can be on the run in style." I smirk and she takes a hold of my hand.

"So, where are we going?" Looking in her eyes, it's like I fall deeper and deeper into a trance with her.

"A couple of places."

Marcus takes us to a restaurant, and this time the place is crawling with my secret security. I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure this is the best day Dakota's ever had.

"Wait a minute, we're here at a place that serves greasy food and we don't look elegant." Dakota jokes and with each word she says something takes over me.

"You look elegant in almost everything you wear." She side eyes me with a smile. One of my employees seats us, and I nod at him. I don't want Dakota to know I have this place crawling with security, I just want this day to be normal as possible for her.

We eat lunch and have a wonderful time. Dakota tells me more about her childhood and I just sit and listen. Siting here with her, it feels like just the two of us and everyone else in the building just disappears. I feel like I'm floating bring here with her.

After lunch, I take Dakota to the mall and don't even mind that she spends so much of my money. The part I enjoyed most, is when she would model her outfits for me. In Dakota I saw a model, a woman, a business owner, and a beautiful dove. All she had to do was fly and I'd be mesmerized.

"So, where to now, Mr. King?" She whispers my name, so no one will hear. I hesitate to answer because I'm so lost in the beauty of her personality.

"I was thinking that we could have A little fun. Something out of my element, but probably not out of yours." I can tell by the look on her face that she's interested in what I have to offer.

The sun begins to set outside, but that doesn't mean the end of a "normal" day. I'm grateful that we haven't ran into any problems all day, that means my staff is doing their job. Dakota has been nothing, but all smiles today and it warms my heart to see her happy.

Marcus pulls up to the venue, and I get out the car. For this special surprise, I had Dakota agree to me blind folding her, but the anticipation was killing her and it amused me. I get out the car and walk over to her door, opening it, I take her hand and guide her out and around the car.

A smile spread across my face as my lips moved closer to her ear. She bit her bottom lip and just standing next to her, I knew she was tired of waiting. "Are you ready?" As I whisper to her, she sighs.

"Yes." Moving behind her, I undo the blind fold and lower it slowly, but as soon as it's off her face, she gasps. "Alex-" I step in front of her with a smile.

I know this chapter was short, but the next part will be in Dakota's POV and you'll get to know exactly what had her breathless.

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