Girls Night Out

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With Lori being here while Alex is gone, it's really helping to keep my nerves down. I've really missed my sister and I love spending time with her.

"Dakota, let's make cupcakes!" Lori has always had a sweet tooth, even when we were kids, I could always find her eating something sweet.

"You always want cupcakes." I laugh and she hugs me.

"Pllllleeeeaaasssee. Oh, please!" Lori is such a sweet girl. "I've only been here for a day, after not seeing my sister for days and all I want to do is make cupcakes with her."

"Okay, okay. We can make cupcakes." Me and my sister haven't laughed like this with each other in a while. I've really missed her.

While we waited for the cupcakes that we had now put in the oven, Lori and I killed time by eating the left over batter. So, how long have you two been together?"

"Me and Eli? You know, a while." I try to hide the fact that I only met him days ago. Lori might be sweet, but she's also very judgmental. She believes that everything in life has rules. If I told her that I only met Alex a few days ago she'd force me to pack up and leave, she'd call me a gold digger and think I was only sleeping with him for his money.

"Really? Well, why haven't you mentioned him, or brought him around to meet anyone? I mean, you just meet a guy and move to Texas to be with him, without telling your family? He didn't force you did he?"

"What? No!"

"Well, are you pregnant?"

"Lori! No, I'm not pregnant!" Her eyebrow raises "Lori, look. I met Eli at the beach one day and we just clicked. We've been together ever since, and I haven't brought him around because I just haven't had the time."

Lori looks at me and I know she's trying to figure out if I'm lying, but she won't be able to because that's honestly what happened, more or less. "I just don't understand, Dakota. We're your family."

"I know and I love everyone of you. Let's just talk about when Eli comes back, he'll explain everything. Want to see the cool clothes I've got?" I start heading towards my room and my closet.

Pulling out my new clothes, I show Lori and for the moment she forgets all about Me moving here with Alex. "He got you these?! What, does he work for the president?! Dakota, honey, you have to show these off!" She starts pulling out clothes and matching outfits together.

"What are you doing?" She holds a dress up to me.

"Finding you something to wear. We're going clubbing, tonight." In the other room my phone rings and I leave Lori to go answer it.


"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Phillip, what are you talking about?"

"Clubbing. It's not safe, especially with Alex gone." I look back at the room, but Lori is so wrapped up in trying to find me an outfit.

"How'd you know about that?"

"Alex isn't stupid. He has you two under 24 hour surveillance watch."

"Well, I can't just keep her locked up in this apartment with me for a week." Phillip hesitates.

"Stay put for a minute, I'll call Alex." With that Phillip hangs up. Great, how am I suppose to keep my sister busy long enough for Phillip to call me back?

Walking back to into my room, I think of how I can distract her. "Lori, let's wait a minute before going to the club. I mean, it's the afternoon and we can worry about it later."

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