Chapter 1

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Chapter one

Nicole's POV

Its summer, and school has finally ended and liam's finally coming back. Yes i know. THEE LIAM PAYNE is my brother. I am so excited to see the boys again esspically niall, i am the closest to him. Sad thing is I have a small crush on him but i know he will never feel the same way, what am i saying were just friends and that is how it is going to be.


I went to pick up the boys from the airport. Once i arrived i heard screaming coming from Terminal 2. I saw paul and the boys avoiding the mob of girls, So i ran out to get the car ready for them, when the car was ready i texted liam saying "Hey, I am right out waiting for you guys" "okay, sissy" he replied. I switched off my phone and waited for them by the entrance. I saw Liam and the boys rushing out of the airport , I ran up Liam and gave a big hug I whispered into his ear "I missed you so much'' ''I missed you too''. Once i pulled away, i went to hug Louis after louis i hugged Zayn and Harry. Finally it was Niall and i gave him the biggest hug of all. I pulled after a while not to make it obivous,"I missed you guys, so much" i said clearing fake tears, ''AWWWW, we missed you to girl'' Louis said giving me air kisses. ''What would Eleanor say, if she found out'' i faked gasped, ''SHHH, she can't find out" Louis yell/whispered.

Liam's POV

"Same old lou" Nicole said, '' Guys we might want to hurry up, before they come back" i said rushing them to the car, "And same old Liam'' Nicole said giving me a side hug before we got in the car. The whole ride, was filled with silence but not an awkward silence, kind of a nice comfortable silence. Before i knew it we reached the house, we got out off the car and went to the trunk to get our lunggages. Once we got our lunggages Nicole practacilly ran to the front door. She opened the door and let us in ''You guys might want to get some rest it was a long flight'' Nicole said, we all nodded tired. They mummbled a 'goodnight' and headed to their room, ''Night sis" i said and kissed her forehead, "Goodnight" i heard her say before i shut the door and fell into deep sleep.

*Next Day*

Nicole's POV

I woke up to a loud sound coming from downstaires. I walked outside of my room and headed down staires to investigate the weird noises that kind of souded like a.......siren?? I rubbed my eyes to see a little clearly, once i opened i saw a smiling louis standing infront of me. "Louis, be quiet" i shouted, throwing a cushion at him from one of the couch's. "It's about time you get up" Louis says walking to the kitchen. I look at the look on the wall and it was 9:00 am, shit i better get ready. i quickly headed upstaires and got to my room and into the bathroom. i took a cold shower just to wake me up a bit. when i was done i wore a dip dyed purple shorts, a purple tank top and some white vans. I straighthend my hair and put my daily make up. I unlocked my bedroom door and hopped downstaires,i went in the kitchen and saw the pancakes. i took a seat and ate my pancakes quietly next to harry. Right then, Zayn bursted through the kitchen door still wearing his clothes from last night."Already up Zayn, its only 10am" Harry said sarcasticlly and earned a glare from Zayn. We all ended laughing histericly especially niall, Oh how i love his laugh, his gorgeous blue eyes and soft hair. I was brought back to earth by a hand waving a hand infront of me.''Nicole, are you okay" Niall said,''Yeah, i'am fine"i said he hesitated for a moment then nodded . If only he knew.I snapped out of it when i heard my phone ring, my ringtone was 'one thing'. I shyly smiled when the all looked at me,''What, it's a catchy song" I said, then their was a huge smirk plastered on liam's face. I walked over to my phone and answered it .''Hello'' I said,''Hey girl, I was wonderingif you want to come over and hang out, my parents are gone for the weekend'' She said,

''First of all who are you''I asked

''Its Heart, stupid' She said

"I don't know.......i have guets"i said

''Who'' she asked curiously

"liam and one direction" i said calmly

"Oh my gosh, are you serious" she said obivously freaking out

"'Its just one direction" i said

"Can i meet them, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" she said screaming

'' Alright alright, just came down" i said giving in

''okay, thank you so much" she said happily

''okay, ehhh heart i have to go" i said

''Bye'' She said then the phone hung up.

i sighed and sat down on the couch,''who was that'' Zayn asked sitting down next to me, ''A friend" i said, ''Whats her name'' Louis burst in and asked ''Heart'' i said calmly then all the boys came in and sat on the floor. They all looked at me with wide eyes,"Seriously''they said in unsion,''Yeah,prettty cool huh'' i said proudly.''Well, come on lets go meet her'' harry said getting up. ''why'' i asked confused, '' we want to see what she looks like, with a name like that'' Niall spoke up. '' Every heard of a photo'' i asked with a smirk, ''Show us, show us, show us'' louis said jumping up and down. i sighed and took my phone out and showed them a picture of heart and me. Then they all said''Damnnn'' except for liam. i suddenly noticed harry was drooling a little bit,'' eww stop drooling over my bff, you monkey'' i said discusted and we all laughed. Harry looked down and you could see a small blush creeping on his cheecks.

*Ding dong* '' I wonder who that could be'' i said walking to the door, not only to reveal the one and only heart ryan. She quickly came rushing giving me a light hug.''Hey heart'' i said pulling her inside the house and closing the door.''Come on. they are in the living room'' i said a bit loudly i think because i saw harry rushing upstaires, i giggled to myself, he definately likes her. Heart and i went to the living room and greeted liam with a small hug. she went over to zayn and gave him a hug''hey goregous'' zayn said with a cheeky grin''hi'' heart shyly said moving on to hug louis.''Come in her, carrots'' louis said with his arms wide open, she accepted his hug and said'' hey, toms'' she said a bit nervously, She moved on to niall and gave him a hug, for some reason it stinged a bit but i ignored and watched as she came to me and sat on the couch. This is gonna be a long day.

Author note

so this our first fan fic please read, vote and enjoy. i hope you liked it and thats Nicole on the side.

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