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🗀 Rejection: 4

After 48 hours of her mother being admitted to the Hospital to give birth to Luna, both Takashi and Airi returned back to help their mother prepare everything she needed to go home with them.

"You two didn't have to come and pick me up" Their mother said to them, but she had a smile on her face as she watches both Airi and Takashi preparing her clothes and other essentials needed.

"It's okay. We wanted to do this." Takashi responded, smiling at the older woman before climbing on top of her bed. "Your clothes are here already!"

"Thank you Takashi" Their mother smiled with her eyes closed. She, however, opened her eyes when she noticed Airi standing by the doorway. "Where are you going?"

"I'll be going to the front desk to sign your papers." Airi responded, waving her hand to them a little. "I'll be back real quick!" And with that, she closed the door and walked towards towards her destination.

Still wearing her school's uniform - a white short sleeved button down and gray skirt, Airi walked towards her destination. Stopping in front of a half circular desk while filling out any necessary details on the paper.

"Huh, didn't know you would be here"

Airi's eyebrows furrowed a little when she heard someone speak from behind her - an all too familiar voice. Turning slightly around, she was met with Shinichiro right in front of her. A small sigh escaped her lips, returning back to the paper right in front of her.

"What are you doing here, Sano kun?" She asks, her back facing him. "Why can't I seem to get away from you?" She asks again but more likely for herself.

"Maybe it's fate telling us that were destined for each other." He replies, his tall height peering over her shoulder. "Is your mother here too?"

The lilac haired girl nodded her head in response. "Me and my brother will be taking her home, along with Luna." She replied, handing to the nurse the clipboard.

Shinichiro looked like he was thinking for a moment before taking a hold of Airi's wrist in his hand. "Since you're here, I should introduce you to my mother!"

"What?" Airi asks, following behind him. "Introduce me to your mother? But as what?" She asks

"You'll see!" He beams to her, smiling with his eyes closed.

Now Airi's promise of returning back to her family shortly now vanished as she boarded the elevator with Shinichiro, watching him press onto number 11 on the elevator pad as the steel doors closed in front of them.

"If you'll introduce me with a funny name, I will gut you out in the operating room." Airi threatens him.

"It's okay" Shinichiro responded, crossing his arms over his chest. "I like my women feisty."

Mentally rolling her eyes at his response, she couldn't help but watch the numbers slowly go up until they finally reached the eleventh floor. Heading out, she followed the male towards the private rooms. While standing behind him, Airi couldn't help but glance at her reflection in every mirror they pass by, fixing herself before she meets his mother.

"Here we are."

As Shinichiro opens the door, there was no one inside but a woman who's skin looked a little healthy but fragile and a little dark eye bags under her eyes. In Airi's mind, she thought, Shinichiro looks so much like her.

"I brought the girl I like that I was talking to you about, mom!" Shinichiro happily beams, causing Airi to freeze a little behind him. "Her mom's here too in the hospital, she just gave birth and is about to go home tonight." He added, turning around a little to show Airi to his mom.

Airi smiled and bowed her head. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Mitsuya Airi." She introduces herself, lifting her head up afterwards.

"It's nice to meet you too, Airi chan. Please call me mother too!" The older woman beamed to her. Her attention then diverted to Shinichiro. "How come you didn't bring Manjiro, Emma and Izana here? What about grandpa?"

Shinichiro shrugged a little. "Those four always come like a pack!" He reasons, taking a seat on the couch, Airi sitting down besides him.

"I hope Shin isn't bothering you at school, Airi chan. You can come to me if you're complaining about him!" She said to her.

Immediately, Airi's face flustered with a smile, waving her hands. "He's a good schoolmate!" She said, even though she couldn't recall anything prior to him than asking her out.

"Is he now?" His mother lets out a small chuckling sound. "You're really cute, Airi chan. I can see why my son likes you."

Now it was Shinichiro's face to turn into a flustered state. "See, mom? I'm not causing trouble to anyone." He responded, his eyes looking somewhere else before turning to face Airi. "Aren't you going back to your mom too?"

He's right. How could she momentarily forget? Nodding her head immediately, Airi stood up from the couch and bowed her head again. "It was nice to meet you, mother!"

Shinichiro's mother smiled softly, hands placed on top of her lap. "You should go with her, Shin."

Even though his mother didn't needed to tell him that, he was actually already planning that. "Will do!" He tells her, getting up from the couch as well. "I'll be back!" He said, the two of them walking out the private room.

"Your mom's really pretty and she looks so much like you!" Airi begins to say, but all of a sudden, she was spun around, her back meeting the cold, white wall of the hospital with Shinichiro right in front of her - hands pressed flat and his arms trapping her.

"Why am I like this with you?" He asks her, a voice deep and low. "Is it the heart worms or is it because of you?" He asks her again, "I want to know."

Blinking her eyes twice, Airi slid down and ducked under his arms, freeing herself from his grasp. "Heart worms is a serious disease, Sano kun. While were in the hospital, you should get checked too." She begins to say, "It results in a severe lung disease, heart failure and other organ damages." She adds, bowing her head to him.

"I'm sorry, but I will not date anyone who's on the verge of dying." She said to him, turning around on her heels to walk away.

"Hey!" Shinichiro calls out to her, jogging close to her again. "I'm not dying, Airi chan!"

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Sorry I took so long" Airi begins to say, catching up with Takashi who's wheeling his mother in a wheel chair while she held Luna in her arms. "I caught up with a schoolmate here!" She responded. Eyes closed while catching her breath.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs Mitsuya! I'm Sano Shinichiro!"

Her eyes immediately shot open when she heard him speak behind her. Eyebrows furrowing as she follows his tall figure overtake her, shaking hands with his mother.

"Oh my! I didn't know Airi had a cute schoolmate!" Her mother enthusiastically remarked.

"Okay, that's enough!" The girl butts in, patting Takashi by his shoulder. "Let's go and call a cab already!"

"Take care on your way!" Shinichiro bids, smiling while happily waving.

"Does he have a girlfriend? You should ask him out!"

"I don't like him that, mama!"

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