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an: temporary new publishing time! this'll probably go on until i get a new permanent shift at work

🗀 Rejection: 10

As Airi's eyes widened in surprise, six children had their eyes wide in curiosity as well.

"Hey Mikey, who is she?" She heard a black haired boy ask to another one.

Hm?" The Mikey hummed, turning his head to his black haired friend who had two fangs. "No idea!"

A girl with honey colored hair hid behind a boy with white hair, her hands holding onto his left arm. "She's pretty..." She heard the little girl say.

"Oh." A deep male's voice spoke out of nowhere from her behind. Turning around, it was Shinichiro who had his hair down since it was still wet, wearing a plain white shirt and loose denim. "You've attracted quite their attention their, Airi chan." He says, taking a seat besides Airi.

"Shinichiro kun, who is she?"

"Shintaro, is she your friend?"

"What's her name?"

"Woah, woah. Slow down with the questions." Shinichiro responded, waving his hands in front of the children before motioning one hand to Airi. "She's a classmate of mine. Her name's Airi." He introduces her to them, Airi smiling while waving at each child in front of her.

"Now, don't go falling for her! Especially you, Manjiro!" Shinichiro adds.

"As if she'd fall for you!" The boy named Manjiro rebutts, eyebrows furrowed. "Who would even like you? You're always outside, your fart stinks and Emma says your hair is funny and ugly!" As Manjiro drawled, Shinichiro immediately scooped him up in his arms while a hand clamped over his mouth, the kid glaring at him.

"Obviously nothing he says is true!" Shinichiro chuckles. "You know how kids are! This one also happened to be one of my little brothers!"

"But" Airi begins to say, "If your little brother says so, then it must be true." She chuckles softly, causing Shinichiro to drop his jaw in disbelief.

"You can't possibly be siding with them!"

"But children can't lie!" Airi reasons, removing Shinichiro's hands off Manjiro. "Plus your little brother's cute." She smiles, patting the top of his head. All the while Mikey felt Airi's hand patting the top of his head, he has his head lifted up, looking at her with a flustered face and sparkling eyes. When Airi removed her hand away, Mikey extended his arms up to reach for her hand and place it back on top of his head.

"Do it again." He tells her, a small pout painting his lips. Seeing his reaction made Airi giggle before patting his head again.

Emma squeals, jumping a little on her spot while her hands clasped around together. "Can I call you older sister?" She asks in a delightful tone.

"Of course you can!" Airi responded, smiling while nodding her head.

"The watermelon's ready!" Their grandfather calls from the living room, holding onto a plate filled with sliced watermelon's. The other children immediately ran inside the house, wanting to get a piece of the fruit.

"Want to go somewhere more private?" Shinichiro shyly asks, hand scratching the back of his head. "Manjiro always has his friends around, sometimes Izana and Emma play with them too."

"Sure." Airi agrees. "Your siblings are so cute!" She remarks, smiling with her eyes closed.

"Do you find me cute too, Airi chan?"

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