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cw: coercion

🗀 Rejection: 11

"So it's says here that Japan is facing a child birth crisis as over the years, the numbers are decreasing. Hey- are you listening to me?" Airi asks, eyebrows slightly knitted before letting out a soft sigh, slumping her shoulders down while leaning her back on her seat.

"I guess we've been studying history so much that you fell asleep on me, huh?" She smiles softly, watching as Shinichiro, who had his arms crossed over his chest while his head hung low, soft snores escaping his lips. After a minute, he slightly stirred awake before yawning. After he yawns, he raises his hand to slap himself across the face, causing Airi to look at him weirdly.

"Idiot, how could you dream of two Airi chan's?" He asks, most likely to himself as his head is still hanging low. "How could I not be just contented with her? Why two?" He asks to himself again before raising his head up, looking up at Airi with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"You dreamed about me didn't you?" Airi asks, to which Shinichiro nodded his head.

"And you were dreaming of two small versions of me?" She asks again, Shinichiro nodding his head once more.

"Is that your answer to the child birth issue?"

"Yes. I mean- No!"

Later that afternoon, it began to rain. Both Roa and Seiko were in a  different venue, playing against a neighboring school. She couldn't ask anyone else to come with her to the crafts shop to get a few more paint brushes and linseed oil, so she went by herself instead. Walking all by herself while a white umbrella shields her from the rain drops.

"Hey, aren't you that girl who always comes by that art store?" One guy asks as two men approach her, causing her to stop in her tracks. Eyeing them cautiously.

"That's her, dude!" The other guy responded, eyeing Airi up and down, making her feel uncomfortable, her hands gripping on her umbrella tightly.

"C-Can you please move?" She asks, her voice shaking. "I still have to go somewhere."

"Were actually drinking by the way." One guy spoke to her before slinging an arm around her shoulder, flinching at the close contact. "You'll join us, right pretty?"

"Hey" Another one spoke to her, hooking his index finger under her chin to lift her head up. "You're so pretty up close." He grins at her.

"Please let me go." She replies quietly, removing her head off his finger. "I'm busy and I'll report you two to the police."

The guy who hooked his finger under her chin forcefully held her chin, whipping her head to look at him. "Now, now, sweetheart. You won't do that, right?" He asks her, his face dangerously close to her. "Were actually older than you, so that makes us your senior. And what your senior says, you should follow."

"Come on." The other egged on her. "We just want to be friends with you-" before the second guy could put his hand on her waist, he fell face first on the ground. Startling his friend and Airi.

"Oi-" The guy loosened his hold on her face as his right cheek collided with a foot, getting kicked in the face.

Airi shook in fear but felt a little brave enough to turn around and see who it is - Shinichiro. Hair and uniform getting damp as he didn't have an umbrella with him.

"Are you okay?" He asks her. The girl blinks her eyes twice before nodding her head in response.

"I was looking all over for you at school but I couldn't find you." He tells her, getting under the umbrella with her. "Honestly, if you can't find your friends, you can rely on me. I'll take you anywhere you want to go and even keep you company." He continues.

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