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"Thank you very much for inviting me here in your home!" Airi spoke, smiling while still holding onto the watermelon in her hands. "I've also brought a gift with me!"

"You're most welcome." Their mother - Sakurako Sano replies, giving her a small smile. "Shinichiro has told me a lot of stories about you two. You are what always comes out of his mouth whenever he visits me in the hospital."

Upon hearing this, Shinichiro subtly whistles from behind Airi. 

"Please make yourself at home too." She adds, taking a seat in the living room couch.

"I'll take this and cut it up so everyone can enjoy." Grandpa Sano spoke, taking the watermelon from Airi's hands, going over and disappearing into the kitchen afterwards.

"No need to be so formal with me now too, Airi. You can call me mother as well." Their mother spoke, in which Airi could only chuckle softly smile then nod her head to.

"Although, I do have one question" Grandpa Sano says, both of his hands holding onto a plate filled with sliced watermelons.

"That was quick" Shinichiro commented

Setting the plate into the middle of the table, Grandpa Sano points at Shinichiro while looking at Airi. "Are you really sure you're okay dating this one?"

"Don't ask questions like that, grandpa!"

Inside the living, as their mother is busy tying Emma's hair into a braid, Mikey along with Izana, Baji, Haruchiyo and Takemichi could only either look away or watch Shinichiro place kisses on Airi's face with disgust.

"Airi nee, you should wash your face afterwards." Izana commented

"Why would she?" Shinichiro asks. "Just because I'm placing kisses on her face doesn't mean it's dirty already." He says, placing another kiss on her cheek.

"Yes it is" Mikey huffs, pouting.

"I heard that, Manjiro!"

"Why do I feel like something's on my face?" Airi asks, raising her hand to scratch lightly the bridge of her nose. "Is there a strand of hair on my face, Shin?"

Looking closely, Shinichiro examines if there's a light colored hair strand on her face before placing a peck on her lips.

"It was just me." He responded, giving her a smile.

Haruchiyo could only widen his eyes while Baji decided to look somewhere else, Mikey and Izana pretended to vomit on the side.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Have you seen where my Shinichiro is?" Airi asks Shinichiro, the following day at school.

Wakasa, Benkei and Takeomi could only look at Airi and blink while Shinichiro points at himself. "I'm Shinichiro?"

"No not you." Airi replies, causing Shinichiro to frown while the other three snicker at him. "I'm talking about the doll version I made of you. I'm so sleepy that I've decided to hug it while I sleep inside my classroom."

"But I make a great companion!" Shinichiro responded, standing up immediately. "Plus I can hug you back! Not like that doll-"

"Hey, don't talk about my Shinichiro like that." Airi says, lightly hitting his arm. "Seriously, it was inside my bag earlier and now I can't find it."

"Oh. That's sad to hear." Shinichiro responded, recalling how he took the doll from her bag and hiding it inside his. "But hey, I can still hug you back so...please?"

"We'd get caught for public display of affection" She replies, yawning. "I'm getting really sleepy now."

"Why not rest in my lap, instead?" Shinichiro offers, sitting back before shooing the three. "Go sit on the other bench" He tells them.

"So lovesick" Takeomi mutters

"Is he even Shin chan still?" Wakasa asks

"An idiot in love. That's what he is." Benkei responded

Laying her body on top of the bench and her head on top of his lap, Airi faces away and closes her eyes, ready to fall asleep. Whereas Shinichiro took his gang uniform top, placing it on top of her legs in a secured way.

"Good night, Airi chan." He says, gently brushing away the strands of hair covering her face with a smile on his lips. "I actually hid your doll inside my bag. I'm really jealous that you get to hug it while you sleep, share a bed with you and even see you first thing in the morning." He admits.

"I'll just feed the doll to one of the neighborhood cats that Keisuke and Manjiro pet" He snickers, thinking she is already asleep.

"I heard that" Airi replies, eyes still closed.

"Oi" Wakasa says, kicking Shinichiro's butt with his foot. "Get up. We've got a meeting set up by you, remember?"

"Damn. It's today?" Shinichiro asks, sighing before shaking his head and closing his eyes again. "Can we reschedule it tomorrow? Me and Airi chan are already getting married in my nap."

"Get up, Shin." Takeomi says

"You're being lazy" Benkei chimes in

"That's such a strong word." Shinichiro replies, eyes still closed and Airi still sleeping on top of his lap. "I'd call it selective participation if I were you three."

"Idiot is such a strong word. I'd called it Shinichiro if I were you." Wakasa counters back

Shinichiro shoots his eyes open, trained on Wakasa's. "Listen here you little shit-"

"So noisy" Airi mutters, fluttering her eyes open as she wakes up, stretching her arms forward while slowly sitting up.

"Ah, finally. The woman of the hour is awake!" Takeomi says

"Can we borrow Shin for tonight?" Benkei asks, tapping her shoulder. "We promise to return him to you tonight or maybe tomorrow morning."

Having just woken up, Airi nodded her head while making a hand motion to them. "Go ahead" Is all she replies.

And with her answer alone, the three whisks Shinichiro away. The other male having a frown painted on his lips as he gets escorted towards their gang hideout.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Hey, older sister" Takashi spoke, opening the door to Airi's room before entering. "Do you still have those sewing materials you used before?" He asks.

The older girl blinks, nodding her head afterwards. "Yeah I do. It's over there." She says, pointing at the box on top of her drawer. 

"Can I borrow it?" Takashi asks again

"Sure" She agrees, watching him smile while going over and taking it in his hands. "What do you need it for?"

"Just wanted to!" Is all Takashi responded to her before exiting from her room, closing the door behind him.

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