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On the second and final day of exams for Tokyo University of the Arts, Shinichiro dropped by the Mitsuya household again just like the last time, unlike the first time, he came here for more than just to visit and is in for a surprise.

"Luna's down with a fever. Sorry if she won't be able to play with you." Mrs Mitsuya spoke, offering the older teen a small smile as she cradled a pouting, clingy Luna in her arms.

"It's alright!" Shinichiro enthusiastically beams, smiling with his eyes closed. "If you need anything, I'll be of use today! I can even make lunch for us!" He proposes.

"Really? I'm relieved to hear that Airi is dating someone who knows how to cook." Mrs Mitsuya commented, gently patting Luna's back. "We'll eat anything you make. If you need me, I'll just be in Luna's room!" She adds, emerging into the hallway and into Luna's room.

As soon as the door to Takashi's room closes, Shinichiro crumbles to himself.

"Shit. Why did I even offer to make lunch?" He break downs, hands holding onto either side of his head. "I can't even cook rice!" He adds, going over to their kitchen to open the fridge, much to his horror, there wasn't any leftovers that can be re heated.

"Whenever older sister is stressed, she likes to eat something soft and easy to chew like mapo tofu. She likes it like that because she says it's easy to chew on." Takashi spoke to him, entering the kitchen.

"Taka kun!" Shinichiro beams, looking at Takashi like he is his life saver for the day. "Do you know how to make mapo tofu then?"

"Sure." Takashi responded. Unbeknownst to him, he'll be having the longest hour of his time.

"Ah! That's too much water to wash rice!"

"The tofu cuts are too big...please make them smaller a little"

"The garlic and ginger are burning!"

"Wow! This tofu is really smooth and savory!" Mrs Mitsuya beams, smiling as she chews the food inside her mouth. "Airi will definitely eat a lot when she comes home!"

In front of her on the dining table, Takashi had an uneasy look, a sweat gliding on the side of his head after a menacing tutoring session in the kitchen whereas Shinichiro tried to copy Mrs Mitsuya's beaming expression, chuckling to lighten up the mood.

"I'm glad you liked it!" He replies, still chuckling.

"I'll be going out in a little while later, I'll be doing some shopping in the grocery." Mrs Mitsuya announces.

"That's okay! I can look after both Takashi and Luna!" Shinichiro responded, finally, something he can do without crumbling to himself.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"I'm home!" Airi announces as she enters the front door of their apartment, only to be met with nothing but silence. Blinking her eyes twice, she removes her shoes by the doorway - noticing the presence of Shinichiro's shoes and minus her mother's before walking into the living room, only to see that no one is there.

Placing he bag on top of the couch, she checked into her room and Takashi's room, no person spotted. Maybe Shinichiro took Takashi out on another ride on his bike? As she recalled, Takashi's interest in bikes suddenly increased when he first introduced him to the vehicle.

Going over to look into Luna's room, her heart swelled at the sight of Shinichiro, laying his upper body inside Luna's crib - long legs hanging and dangling out, Luna asleep on top of his chest and Takashi sleeping on top of his shoulder.

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