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Walking down the path of the ice cream shop near their school minus the presence of Roa and Seiko, Airi knew for a fact that she is all by herself in the empty and quiet neighborhood. But despite so, she could hear hushed whispers from behind where she stood.

"Is that her, Inupi?"

"Shhh! You're still loud, Koko!"

Stopping in her tracks, Airi whips her head to look behind her, blinking her eyes in confusion when she couldn't see anyone in sight. Turning her head back forward, she continues on walking.

"Let's follow her before we lo- ouch!"

"Sorry, Koko..."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Airi stops again and turns around to see who else is with her, only to find nothing but air. Deciding to play a little trick on whoever is following, she immediately decided to run in her standing spot before hiding behind a parked car besides her.

"We lost her, Inupi!"

"Maybe she went that way?"

"...Why are you two following me?"

Two children - one with sunflower blond hair and the other with dark raven hair gasped and jumped at the same time, turning around to look at Airi who hid behind them with a scared expression.

"Do I know you two?" Airi asks, smiling a little at them. "Or are you two lost and need to find a way back?"

"W-Were not lost!" The boy with raven black hair responded. "We just wanted to follow Shinichiro kun's dream!"

"Shinichiro?" Airi repeats. "What did you mean by his dream?"

"One night, he told us to follow our dreams. When Waka kun asked him what his dream is, he pulled out a photo of you then said his dream is to follow you around." The boy with sunflower hair color responded.

Typical Shinichiro. Airi thought to herself. Grinning, she slowly nodded her head at the two.

"I see." She begins to say. "What do you two plan to do now that you two caught me? I'm actually on my way to get some ice cream." She adds. "Do you like ice cream?"

The two children nodded their heads together.

"Alright! Let's get it together then!"

"So you two think of Shinichiro as your idol, huh?"

"That's just Inupi. Not me." The boy named Kokonoi with raven dark hair replies, sitting in front of her.

"Shinichiro kun is a really responsible and humble guy...but Waka kun and Benkei kun are the ones who gives me candies whenever we meet them at their hideout." The boy named Seishu with sunflower blond hair spoke with enthusiasm, almost as if he is beaming to her.

"Hideout?" Airi asks. "You two join their gangs meetings?"

"We do!" Inui happily responded, eyes gleaming. "It's really so cool! All those bikes and flashy uniforms!"

"I kind of figured you'd be here." Shinichiro spoke, entering the ice cream store wearing his full on gang uniform, top unbuttoned leaving for the rest of the world to see his upper body, draped only on his shoulders and a hachimaki* on his head, his appearance alone garnering attention from other customers of the store.

Sitting on the unoccupied chair besides Airi, he takes a peak at the ice cream cup she has in front of her before parting his mouth open. Obediently, Airi scoops a spoonful of ice cream, feeding him one.

"I didn't know I'm your dream" Airi begins to say, leaning her back against her seat.

The older male shrugs, the cream inside his mouth melting and gliding down on his throat. "My mom did told me to follow my dreams." He says, shrugging his shoulders playfully at her. "I'm just being a good eldest by listening to her advise." He smiles brightly.

Airi makes a face, nodding her head before feeding him another spoonful of ice cream again. "You're so cheesy and have a way with words." She comments.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Is it really okay for me to be here?"

"Don't worry, babe. I've got you."

An hour before the supposed meet up time at their turf, Airi sat on the motorbike seat of Shinichiro's bike while the male stood in front of her, arms wrapped around her waist and face buried in her neck.

"You smell really good" Shinichiro comments, taking a whiff of the corner of her neck before going to her shoulder. "You even smell good here" He repeats, going back to the crook of her neck to place a peck.

"What if one of your guys sees you like this?" Airi teases, grinning to herself as she has one arm wrapped around his neck and the other gently massaging the back of his head with her fingers. "I bet they haven't seen you like this." She adds.

"They won't" Shinichiro responded, eyes closed. "They won't even start arriving here with just less than thirty minutes. It's just going to be the two of us here and no one will bother us." He adds, placing more kisses against the skin of her neck, his hands running up and down on her bare thighs, fingertips occasionally slipping under her skirt.

Letting out a giggle, Airi begins to run her fingers through his hair. "Doesn't your back hurt?" She asks, tilting her head down a little to look at him. "Your back muscles will hurt if you-"

"I'm okay" Shinichiro whines, gripping his arms around her waist, preventing her from getting up. "Don't go" He spoke, words muffled. "Like where I am"

Chuckling softly, she places a kiss on top of his head. "If you say so."

As he receives a kiss from her, he lifts his head up to look at her with pout painted on his lips. "You missed."

"Hm? Did I?" She asks, blinking her eyes and feigning innocence. "Where should I have kissed you then?"

Still pouting, Shinichiro points at his lips. "Here"

Airi leans in to place a kiss on his forehead. "There?"

Shinichiro shook his head, his pout growing down. "Not there." He whines.

Airi leans in to place a kiss on his left cheek. "There?"

"Not there, Airi chan!"


"Ahhh" Shinichiro whines. "Don't tease me like that, Airi chan. Please give me kisses here!" He adds, pointing at his lips.

And as Shinichiro continued to whine and beg for kisses from her, Airi had caught sight of three figures arriving behind him - Wakasa and Takeomi making a face while Benkei tries hard not to make a sound.


"No! Give me kisses first! Kisses!"

"Shin, your friends are here."

Pointing at three behind him, Shinichiro turns his head to look at where she is pointing. True to her words, they were indeed on site and giving him weird and judgemental faces.

Clearing his throat, Shinichiro stands up straight before clearing his throat. "I'll go and get drinks for us first." He spoke in a low and manly tone, fixing his top uniform in a cool manner.

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hachimaki - wraparound headbands bearing the words "police be damned" or "bring it on"

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