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an: i've already gotten my permanent shift schedule! from this day on until 013123, i will be publishing at around 5:30 am - 5:50 am gmt! so that's like 1:30pm - 1:50pm for pst, 12:30am - 12:50am for est and 11:30pm - 11:50pm for cst.

but on my days off, i will revert back to the usual time which is within 10:00am gmt.

🗀 Rejection: 13

Wearing the veil on top of her head and holding the fake bouquet in her hands, her face's color flushed red in embarrassment as she and Shinichiro stood in front of a make shift altar with lower class man acting as their 'wedding' officiator. Their wedding guests? Of course it was attended by none other than Wakasa, Benkei and Takeomi.

"Congrats, man." Benkei greets him, clasping a hand on his back. "I always knew that you'd be the first among us to get married."

"Look at his face!" Wakasa comments, snickering under his breath. "Look alive, Shin chan. You're getting married right now."

"Hi Mitsuya kun" Takeomi greets her, waving his hand to her. "Are you excited? It's your big day after all!"

"Actually" Airi begins to say, clearing her throat. "I'd rather let the ground swallow me right now."

"Do you, Sano Shinichiro, take Mitsuya Airi as your lawfully wedded wife?" The lower class man that stood before them asks. Hearing his question made Airi hang her head a little low, internally screaming as their little wedding was garnering attention from their other school mates.

"Of course I do!" Shinichiro responded, almost shouting the words.

"And do you, Mitsuya Airi, take Sano Shinichiro as your lawfully wedded husband?" The lower class man turns to her.

This isn't even a real wedding but why was her heart beating wildly inside her chest? Her hands felt like it was choking the stems of the fake bouquet by holding it a little too tightly. Tingling sensations running and coursing on her insides, causing her to breathe a little uneven. If she says ' I don't ' nothing will change right? It's just a fake wedding after all. 

But a different response came out of her lips, too late for her to take it back.

"I do." She firmly responded, shocking Shinichiro who stood beside her.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." The lower class man announces, earning themselves a loud cheer and joyful screams from the watchers of their wedding.

"Kiss!" Benkei teases

"Don't just stand there, Shin chan."

"Yeah! Just kiss already."

As the two of them faced each other, Shinichiro lifted the veil off her head. Both of their faces red in color. With their schoolmates taunting and teasing them, Airi couldn't help but just stare at his face, wondering to herself if he would given in to their teasing or not. Until all of a sudden, his face peered down and leaned a little closer to her. Drawing closer to her lips, she immediately closed her eyes shut.

However, she didn't meet his lips on hers, rather on the back of her hand instead.

"Were you expecting me to kiss you, Airi chan?" Shinichiro asks, a teasing glint shimmering in his eyes.

Opening her eyes, Airi yanked her hand away. "No way! It's not like I was expecting you to!" And with that, she turned around and began to walk away, Shinichiro following behind her.

"Where should we go for our honeymoon?"

"Are you really going to take a wedding booth to the heart?!"

"I mean...why not?"

"Has it been an hour already?"

"Nope. Thirty three minutes left."

That was the marriage booth's policy - a wedding per hour so that new couples could still wear their mini wedding outfits. The same policy applying to the two of them.

"It kind of feels weird that I don't see you holding a paintbrush or seeing you inside the Art Club room." Shinichiro begins to say. "But...it's a good change. At least, you can get rest from the things you usually do."

"Look at our schoolmates, Airi chan. They keep turning their heads over to our direction just because were still wearing these. It's kind of amusing, don't you think so?" Shinichiro asks, turning his head down to look at her, only to find the girl resting her head on his shoulder, sleeping soundly. 

Shinichiro did his best to just stay still, not wanting to wake her up from her sleep. "When I visit my mom this week, I'll have lots to tell her. And you're always in my stories, Airi chan. One day, my mom asked me if you were my girlfriend already. When I told her no, she immediately asked me why. I wish I knew why you're always rejecting my advances, Airi chan. But though you always reject me, you never tell me to go away. I hope that one day, when I ask you out again, you'll finally say yes."

Shinichiro smiled to himself, recalling all the days and times he's spent with her inside his head. 

"Please say yes so I can rub on Wakasa's face that I got a girlfriend first."

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Come on, just try it. If you don't, you'll die without knowing."

"Fine. Here it goes."

Wakasa takes a swift gulp of the sour-y lemon alcohol in broad daylight of the following day. His face contorted at the sourness clouding in his mouth before softening.

"Pretty good, right?" Benkei asks, grinning at the white haired male.

"Not bad." He remarks, looking at the brand design of the can. 

All the while the other two were busy taste testing a canned beer, both Shinichiro and Takeomi were in front of them, cigarette's lit and resting on the corners of their lips.

"How's your mother?" Takeomi asks, taking the cancer off his lips as he situates it between his index and middle finger. "Is she finally getting discharged this week?"

Shinichiro shook his head before copying Takeomi, letting out a sigh afterwards. "Mom's health is still the same. Though they did see small improvement, she's still staying in the hospital." He answers.

As Takeomi had a clear view of Shinichiro's back, he was about to stick his cigarette back in his lips when he caught the figure of Airi, dressed in a plain white shirt and blue floral skirt passed by. Seeing her, he immediately nudged Shinichiro's shoulder.

"Mitsuya kun passed by." Takeomi says, "She looked all dolled up too."

Upon hearing this, Shinichiro was quick to turn on his heels and run towards Airi's direction. True to Takeomi's words, she did looked dolled up. He swore he could even smell jasmine and vanilla wafting in the air.

Is she going on a date? Is that the reason why she keeps rejecting his advances? Because there really is someone that captured her heart?

Whatever the reason maybe, Shinichiro continued to follow her closely, wanting to know where she is going.

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