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ATLANTA - part 2

"are you hungry y/n?" my dad asked while we were waiting for the plane. the airport was full with people and the paparazzi already found us but the bodyguards are doing their best. its not a lot of pressure, i used to it but they are a bit more aggressive then usually. fuck them for real.
"no i am fine thank you. can i get some coffee tho?"
we have to wait like 20 more mins till we can take our seats in the plane. we bought coffee and basically just waited.

time skip again cuz im lazy to write about the plane "trip" so yeah

"and here we are y/n! we are in atlanta!"
"its so pretty dad. i am actually happy that we are here."
"me too!"
we took our bags and hired a car. we sold our old one because my dad wanted a new anyways.
after one and a half hour of being on the airport we finally left.
micheal (my dads brother) saw our new house first, like before us bc we lived far away and he said that he can go and look if its actually like in the pics. he said its really beautiful.

when we arrived we packed out a few things and then we went grocery shopping and also for some basic thing like lamps, leds, house decor and stuff.

tonight my dad, his twin brother (micheal), grace (his child, my cousin), kelly (graces mom/michs wife) and ofc i are going out for dinner. like my dad said yesterday.
im fucking scared.
my stomach is in pain because of the stress. i dont even want to eat i dont feel like dealing with food guilt rn.

anyways. im gonna get ready and if i still have time im gonna continue learning my script. i am almost done with it. im gonna talk a LOT. like A LOT but its not hard i got it in time so i am almost done with learning it.

i think im gonna wear a black baggy jeans with a light pink crop top and a cardigan. thats perfect for a simple dinner ig.

i had a little time for study and then we left to the restaurant. it was 35mins drive away from the house.

"Y/N!" We runned to each other with grace.
"omg i missed you so much you cant believe it."
"i can y/n, i missed you too." we hugged again.
"uncle micheal! kelly!" i runned to them while grace was hugging my father.
"i am so happy that i see you y/n. you have been skinnier then u were do you eat normal?" kelly asked, i just stood there. we havent met each other in months and this is how she is greating me?
"yes, yes i am."
i made a smile then we all went to our table.

"so y/n. are you excited for the film?"
"yes. i am also so nervous."
"its gonna be okay. you are good at actin-"
"yes you were so good at those other shows too!"
grace interrupted mich.
"yea but those two were easy."
"dont stress about it y/n. you are gonna be so good!"
i smiled at them and then looked at my food.
screaming inside.

My dads POV !
"so how is she dealing with the moving? is she okay?"
"she is stressing about everything, she thinks its a bad thing for me and that its her fault but im actually happy that we moved here. she didnt have much friends as you two know, and since..." i sigh.
"i know. its better for her. and i am sure that she is gonna make a lot of friends while she is filming. and are you okay eric?" my brother asked.
"i am fine. i hope y/n will have the best life counting from this."
"she will. dont stress much about it please!" kelly said.

we were back at home. y/n and grace were walking around. grace has some friends from atlanta so she knows the neighborhood.

"tea or coffee?" i asked.
"yes, coffee for me too."
"we are back." grace yelled.
"she is gonna help me pack my things out."
they ran upstairs without any hesitation.
"next thing they will ask us if grace can stay for the night." kelly laughs.
"probably, but she can though."

back to y/n (your) POV
"you have a pretty big bedroom its so cool."
"i know! so help me! where should i put my bed? this corner of the room or that one?"
"dont put it under your window cuz later you can sit there and just look out, you know."
"thats a good idea omg, okay help me move it."

after a hour of moving things around, we put everything where we want.

"do you wanna sleep over?"
"yes let me ask my parents." she said as she ran downstairs.

i looked out of the window. she was right, the view is so pretty. its basically the street but the houses from the neighborhood are pretty, so the street is.

"they let me sleep here and they were just talking about me asking it." she laughed as she walked in.
"okay! now im gonna pack my things out. can you please make my bed than ill leave you alone." i smiled
"nah ill help you after your bed too."


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