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COOKING - part 18

your POV

i will be back at filming in a 6 days. i am starting with an early morning -shift. sadie is going to film after im done.

we just ate our dinner. fish and chips. hard but i did it. jac wanted to watch something with us so we watched miraculous together, its her favorite.
she slept in so we went upstairs back to her room.
"can i try this on?" i asked sadie when i saw her new tops.
"of course. but its a size bigger than yours." i take off my shirt. "or two. y/n!"
"hm?" i questioned her, acting like i dont know what she wants to say. "look it looks so cool on me."
"y/n, did you lost weight again?"
"nope, i didnt."
"its not what i see." she stood up and walked closer to me. "y/n please." she said softly.
"i am for real sade, im not loosing weight, and i didnt."
she hugged me. i feel so quilty.

i showered, then she showered too. we went back and just layed in her room. i was on top of her and i fell asleep quickly.

the next morning i was up first. this time im laying next to her, my head on her chest and she is cuddling me. i had to search for my phone so i turned the other way but when i found it i turned back so i am facing her chest again.

i saw that she has a instagram story so i clicked on it.

(pretend thats its night in the pic)

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(pretend thats its night in the pic)

later we walked up to mine. my dad was working and my keys were at sadies. i forgot to bring them with me but luckily sadie got a key for the house a month ago from my dad because he was at graces house, and if someone needs to come in for any reason she could. its always with her so we didnt have to walk back to hers for the key.

we layed down in the living room, cuddling to watch some tv because there is the biggest tv in the house. we watched netflix. but it was more like 'chill' then netflix.

nothing more then making out. only kissing and checking on each other if we still have boobs or waist or thighs. or because i was on top, ass.

we were really deep in the kissing when my phone rang.
"shit." i laughed. i sat up and reached for my phone "hi! ... mhm ... yes i am with her we are home ... of course dad dont worry please ... yes, i will! ... where? ... mhm ... okay, love you bye dad!"
"so he is not coming home till 11pm, the house is ours. and also we have to cook dinner because there is no food for us. i mean i dont like what he cooked but you can eat that." i smiled.
"no ill eat with you. wheres your dad tho?"
"no idea, he said that he will tell me later." i think he has a girlfriend.
"oh okey."
i layed back on her and we were kissing again.

later we watched a movie and then we started to cook dinner

"what should we eat for dinner?"
"mac and cheese!" she answered. "can we cook some chocolate chips cookies too after eating?" thats her favorite.
"yeees! thats my favorite! i know the perfect recipe for that!"

i started boiling the water for the macaroni while sadie was looking for cheese because there was no more in the fridge.
"i cant find any!" she yelled from the pantry. our pantry was kinda big. it had another fridge and a lot of shelfs and cabinets.
"shit are we out of cheese? okay we will cook the pasta then we can go buy some from the mini store.

we did how i said. the macaroni was done after 15 minutes so we went to buy some cheese. her bodyguards were with us because they took us to the shop. there were barely anyone so it was easy.
"is that all?" the cashier asked.
"y-" i tried to answer but sadie interrupted me.
"can i get a white chocolate twix too please?"
shes clever. i havent had chocolate bars in ages. i am actually scared of them but i miss them.

we left the store then went back and cooked our dinner.
"this needs more salt sadie. can you give it to me?"
"yes, do you have vanilla extract? we need that for the cookie it will taste better."
"yes, in the pantry."
"i swear i cant find anything in that pantry!"
i just laughed "i will get it just a sec."
while i finished the mac and cheese she made the cookies.

"come here baby, taste test." sadie said.
"mhm, it is good."
it was so good. i have never had this good cookie dough before.

we ate our dinner then the cookies were done too.
"you are really good at baking this cookie what the fuck." i said after a bite. "fucking good."
she smiled at me. "thank you for eating with me y/n, you dont know how happy it makes me to see you eat. i am so proud of you." i smiled at her and after eating a few more cookies we went upstairs to my room.


IT ALL STARTED ON SET - Sadie Sink Female x female Where stories live. Discover now