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DREAM - part 40

Your POV
tw ! mention of sh

"fuck." i whispered as i saw a blade on sadies desk. it was picked out of a sharpener and it had dried blood on it.
i started panicking. it was hard to breathe and my stomach started hurting. i was about cry but i couldnt.
immediately jumped up from my sitting. "sadie?" i ran out of her room, along the corridor. "baby?" we were alone in her house. i ran downstairs but noone was there. "SADIE?" i yelled again. panicking. my breathing was faster and faster. i was running in and out of their rooms trying to find her, but i couldnt so i started crying. "sadie please where are you? are you okay?" i said as i was gasping for air. my vision was blurry. whats going on?
"oh shes gone." my mom walked in.
"what?" i tried to see who that was, her voice was just the same as my mothers. "shit, no, no!" it was my mother.
my vision went black. a i was panicking. i couldnt see, couldnt breathe or move, and i didnt know whats going on. it felt like, i died. "i am inside your head, and will always be." i heard my mothers voice.

"Y/N!" i heard my name. i opened my eyes and looked around. i was out of breath and also sweaty. "wha- what time is it?" i asked as i realized that we are at my place. 
"4am. are you okay baby?"
"ive had a bad dream." i closed my eyes and layed my head on her breast.
"baby i think you had a panic attack in your dreams."
"no, i was just dreaming. it was terrifying thats it."
"what was it about."
i didnt answer just looked at her what she couldnt see because it was dark. "ill tell you tomorrow, good night baby sorry for waking you up."
"i love you."

later that morning we woke up around 10am. i couldnt sleep much after my dream. i wasnt worried about my mom but sadie.
when i ask sadie she always says that she is fine. of course she tells me when something is off but lately, she is off. even tho she says shes fine. she looks so tired and i always tell her that i am here if she wants to talk but she never talks. i am worried about her.

"come in!" i said when i heard a knock. we were in the studio tho. "am i interrupting something?" matt walked in.
"no of course not, whats up?"
"you were really off in this scene, you messed up a lot y/n. are you okay?"
"yes, i am just really tired. i havent slept much."
"yes i see that, do you want to talk about it? no one send me here to talk to you. i came here because i am worried about you."
"thank you matt, but there is nothing to worry about! i am okay, really."
"noo, i am fine matt!"
"i know a really good therapist if you look for any."
"naaah, i am really okay! i promise its just because i havent slept much!"
"okay, if you change your mind, i can give you her email. get ready we start the second round in 5 mins"
"thank you."

i got ready and left my dressing room. i walked across the corridor and entered the studio room #2
"hey caleb!"
"hey y/n! whats up?"
"nothing, with you? anna?"
"we are fine, so fine." he smiled.
"oh haha thats great." i laughed.
"okay kids, and david get ready we are starting in 2 mins."
everyone was in their place. its so iconic.
"you are elevens sister?"
"hopper we gotta hurry, we dont have time for this."
"okay, calm down dustin. where are we going again?"
"you didnt tell him yet?" i asked
"no." caleb answered.
"tell me what?"
"FUCK WE GOTTA HURRY!" dustin yelled?"
"whats goi-" hopper tried to talk but i interrupted him.
"eleven is in danger. papa got her."
"fuck no!"
we started running out of the room but gaten crashed into something. "fuck! sorry!"
"its okay, you all right?"
"yes, sorry. can we do this again." he laughed.

"max its like you are in a different place you know. whats going on?"
"i-," she took a deep breath. "i am sorry lucas."
"no max, please! tell me whats going on!"
max and lucas were doing a scene. we all just sat behind the scenes and ate tacos while we were watching them.
"i better go."
"do you want me to c-"
"no, i am okay thank you."
she walked out of the room.

after filming i went home, packed my things. my dad was at her girlfriends. i went to sadies. no one was there till 9pm.

"y/n i am proud of you for eating those tacos."
i smiled at her. "couldnt do it without you."
she gave me a kissed and walked downstairs to cook something for dinner.

i was was watching my tiktok but i got bored. i put down my phone and i wanted to stole some of her clothes.
i stand up but before i could move i completely froze down. my body started shaking, and my breath stopped. i was standing still for minutes when i realized whats happening. there is a blade on sadies desk, on the same spot as in my dream.

okay y/n keep it cool its maybe not what you are thinking about.
i ran downstairs, my stomach was in so much pain. "sadie?" i asked with a shaky voice.
"y/n? are you okay?" she panicked as she heard my voice.
"no baby are you okay?" my eyes teared up. "whats happening please talk to me."
"what are you talking about y/n?"
i started crying. i opened my arms and the blade was there. "oh god y/n, its not what you are thinking about." she took the blade from me. "jacy was sharpening her pencil when the pencil broke inside the sharpener and she gave it to me to fix it. i tried but i couldnt and i forgot to put the blade in the tarsh. i am sorry y/n." she kissed my lips multiple times. "it was a stupid thing from me to not put it away i am so sorry baby. i promise i will tell you if i am thinking of something like that okay?"
"i have noticed that you feel very stressed lately can you please tell me whats wrong."
"i am worried about you, thats it! filming is stressing but there is nothing wrong! ill tell you if something is up!

i am genuinely in love with sadie

IT ALL STARTED ON SET - Sadie Sink Female x female Where stories live. Discover now