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TOGETHER - part 14

your POV

i am gonna be okay, slowly but i am trying, also my dad found me a therapist. im going to her twice a week.

me and sadie are together for 3 days. no ones know yet. expect pressley. grace dont. i know she is a ally but i was too afraid to tell her that i am not straight.

a week ago sadie got an invitation for a interview. noah and millie too but they are going together to a another one, but at the same time, same studio as sadie.

she slept at mine today, so we went to filming together.
we wont let anyone know about us for now at the studio, we wont kiss in the hallway etc because we dont want them to know.

"ill get ready and come to your dress-room." i smiled at her.
i was done in 15 minutes with everything, my make up, dress everything.

i went to her room, as i said before.
"hey!" i closed the door.
"ill have to kiss caleb. for the show." she said while she was sitting in her mini couch.
"i know, i am okay with it. you are lesbian, right?" i asked softly.
"yes. i am." she smiled at me.
"but if you werent, i trust you and if you have no feelings for him, then you have no feelings for him." i walked closer to her and sat in her lap. i put my hands on her cheeks and i gave her a long kiss. her hands were holding my waist.
"imagine someone walking in." she giggled.
"haha would be very awkward to be honest."

finn and millie are already filming.
"ELEVEN?" el asked from mike. "NOT DEEP?" then she stared at him, tearing up.
"then why dont you say it." she run out of the room.
they are so good at acting.

later when we were done with filming, i went to sadies house with her, she has to get ready for the interview. i am gonna listen to it from behind the curtains with a few producers or i dont even know their name.

"help me find an outfit!" she asked. she has been in her wardrobe for almost 10 minutes now.
"you should wear black."
she found a few clothes what can be good and tried them on.
"this is perfect."

the fit

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the fit

her uber took us to the interview and when we got there they made her make up and hair and then she could go in. i meet with millie and noah too, we talked a bit then they had to leave, because they were starting too.

"i am so nervous." sadie made mini jumps, like when you are stressed and cant stay still you know.
"its gonna be okay, you are gonna be amazing!"
i kissed her, made a last itsgonnabeokay look then she went in.

they gave me a seat where i could see her and hear her.

"its really great to see you again sadie!" jimmy fallon welcomed her.
"its really great to be here again!"
they talked about her siblings, millie and her friendship, stranger things, upcoming films etc.
"is your relationship good with your siblings?"
"yes, i get along with them so well. we have a group chat where we always talk, everyday. we tell each like everything and i am so happy for this, i know that a lot of people cant have this and i feel lucky, i am actually." she smiled.
her smile is beautiful.

they said bye to the cameras and then they talked a bit more. then there she was, walking out of the room.
"thank you, bye sadie! see you soon!" jimmy walked away.
"i hope, bye jimmy!"

sadie sink." i said while we walked closer to each other.
"so? how did i do?" she smiled.
our lips were close, i was holding her waist.
"you did amazing sade, it was beautiful." i whispered into her lips softly. "you will blow up the internet with this."
she kissed me.
"i think i missed a few chapters." millie walked in.
we looked at her giggling.
"hey millie."
"so, how long?"
"4 days, you are not being behind."
"i hoped." she laughed. "i am so happy for you two!" she hugged us. "ahhhhahah."
i am so happy that she is happy for us.
"i think we should tell the cast." i said. "i mean we dont have to if you dont want to i just thought-"
"i agree y/n, i was thinking about this too." she smiled.
"I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU." millied said again and hugged us. i think she is in shock or i dont know.

we told the cast then we filmed an old tiktok [@notthesadiesink] trend.

later my dad took us out for dinner, sadie wanted to make sure that i eat dinner anyways because we are not sleeping at each others tonight.

"is there a thing between, you know. you and sadie?" my dad asked me at the way back to home from the restaurant.
"maybe." i smiled. "how do you know?"
"its obvious y/n." he laughed. "and i noticed that you act different around sadie then pressley or grace."
"you are right. and are you okay with it? i mean we can think about something if you are n-"
"y/n, i am totally okay with this! i love sadie, she is good for you."
"thank you." i smiled.
"i am happy for you y/n, you cant believe how much."

IT ALL STARTED ON SET - Sadie Sink Female x female Where stories live. Discover now