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SADE - part 17

your POV

i woke up at 1pm, i went downstairs and i found my dad sitting on the couch.
he is gonna make me eat lunch.

"mac and cheese for lunch, sit down to the table."
i sat down and he put the full bowl in front of me.
"i am sorry y/n, but i dont want you to be in that dark place again okay? i am doing it for you."
i made a faint smile.
"after eating do you wanna go on a walk? not a long one!"
"yes of course."

we ate. i am not saying i wasnt struggling but i did great. i mean that is what my dad said.
we were back from the walk by 3pm.

i am gonna sleep at sadies tonight but she is having a long work day. she is starting filming at 8am, and she has some 10-15 mins breaks between 12am and 2pm and also some longer one between 4pm and 5pm. and also its not like we are filming nonstop. she is done by 6:20pm tho.

i was doing nothing all day. mostly sleeping and watching shows. i did some school work for my new school, i am gonna be private schooled from this year (i was home schooled before) and i also watched some shows with my dad and basically thats it.

its 6:34pm rn. sadie is almost out of the studio but when she arrives home its gonna be around 7pm. we are gonna meet at hers around 7:30pm.
i am still in my bed, watching shows.

and i am walking to her house bc its 5mins away so.

"heeey y/nnnn" sadie stared at her camera. she was blurry because she had bearly wifi so the quality was bad.
"heeeeey sadieee"
"i am home in 10 mins you can come earlier, around 7pm?"
"okaaaay! its 6:38pm ill leave around 6:55 okay?"
"alright i will wait for you outside on the stairs."
"cant waittttt" i said exactingly.

i showered and get ready. i said goodbye to my dad and promised him that i will eat dinner at sadie. i feel so bad promising him and not doing that like literally i could kill myself just thinking how sad i could make him if he founds out. okay back to where was i, i left the house. i had no body guard with me tho, they are tracking my location and its just a message and they are with me in a minute.

what did i eat for dinner? i thought. sorry. scrambled eggs. no thats not what she wanna hear. a sandwich. no i always say that when i dont know what to say. fried rice and beans. i think thats pretty believable.

i left earlier, just a few mins earlier but that means im gonna walk 5 mins more than i would. perfect. i didnt do anything today. no exercise, no walking, nothing.

when i turned left to go in to the street where she lives i immediately saw her sitting on the stairs. her house is the second in the street so i started running up to her.

"y/n!" she stood up. "omg i missed you." she lifted me up and hugged me tightly. well i didnt give her any other choice because i jumped on her from running.
"i missed you too, so much sade." i whispered into her shoulder.
then we kissed. a long warm kiss. i missed her kisses.

we went inside, i said hello to her family then we went upstairs to her room. and made out. haha

[a/n: i am so sorru for this but time skip to where we are almost two months old! sorry!! the story is soo long amyways🫶🏻]

i am at hers again and its after filming. oh yes, about that matt duffer was very sick and he couldnt came for a good 3 weeks, he got some really dangerous virus, he was in the hospital too and we had to take a break just in case someone else is sick.
but while that millie basically broke her ankle so we couldnt film again. she is in at almost every scene so we cant film without her. and the parts what we could film we still couldnt, cuz a lot of filming stuff like lighting, back screens etc was missing. it was planned that im gonna go back to new york for 2 weeks but in that 2 (well basically 3) weeks pressley was in a vacation so i thought that its not important to me to go back. my dad didnt wanted to so it was okay. grace was here for a week and i was at hers for 3 days.

eating is still so hard but sadie (and when i was with grace) and my dad is here and watching me. even grace or press is calling me sometimes during lunch or dinner so we can eat together. so i didnt lost that much weight.

i am at sadies, as i said before and we are basically just making out in her bed.
"sadie, y/n what do you wanna eat for dinner?" we slightly heard her mom yelling for us from downstairs.
"what do you wanna eat for dinner?" sadie asked between two kisses, smiling.
"you." i whispered smiling.
she just smiled at me and continued kissing me. i was half-sitting half-laying in her bed, she is top of me. one of her hands were on my hips or sometimes on my waist maybe my cheeks. the other hand on the bed. my hands were either on her cheeks, neck or waist.

we heard a nock so we quickly split apart.
"mom is asking what you want to eat for dinner? is chips and fish okay?" jacey, her sister asked.
"yes it is."
"okay. mom its good!" she yelled downstairs. "and what are you doing?" she started to walk in.
"we were talking." i smiled at her. she is so cute.
"can i talk with you two too?"
"of course." i smiled.
"jacey, leave them alone a bit okay? come look at this new black pink music okay?" mitchell, her brother distracted jac so we can be alone.
sadie said a silent thank you to his brother then we continued where we stopped.

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