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papa - part 35


its been a few weeks since sadie and i had that talk [last part]. currently i am sitting in my dressing room in the studio and getting ready. i have to make a full mental breakdown, yell and break things like you know anger issues thing so like yes a full mental breakdown with anger issues.
the others are already filming i am the only one who has no script for like, 2 more minutes .so i should leave soon tho.

i walked in to the 'filming room 1' and looked at the duffers. they walked up to me.
"okay so, you know your script right?"
"yes of course i know"
"okay we had to change it because finn had a better idea! so, the 8th sentence,"
"instead of 'you fucking ruined my life so leave me alone' bla bla bla you have to yell 'fuck you all for doing this to me, to eleven. you all are fucking psychopaths!'
"all right, the moves or those things you know mimic etc will change?"
"nope, just this line. and 2 sentences in finns."
"okay, thank you."
i started walking away from them cuz the cast was already done with filming and was waiting for me.
"one more thing. we have talked with your father and you will have a bit more line with of course more changes in the show but you are giving us views and everything and you are doing your job really well so, we decided to make some changes."
"oh my god, no way!"
"we will film for more months than what was planned, and we are already a bit behind so thats really not good but anyway, we will send you all an email about the change. but just mentally be ready for way more line."
"okay, okay. omg no way i really cant believe it."
"but you need to promise us one thing."
"oh no?"
"you will have to gain a bit of weight. we noticed and we know about your mental illnesses, we talked about that too with your father. again."
"okay, i am on it i promise. i am already trying!"
"i hoped so, take care y/n."

i have to stay focused on todays filming and later i will think about all of this.

"what are you doing?"
"you have ruined my life." i said calmly.
"no i didnt!"
"you have ruined all of ours life!"
"seven. what are you trying to do."
i sigh in a dramatic way. "i will kill you."
"ha ha, very good joke but look at us seven. look at me. i am the most strongest person alive. you cant stop me."
"shut up!" i yelled. "you made my whole life unforgettable, in a bad way. my whole childhood is traumatized." i shouted "be happy till you can because i will fucking destroy you. I! am the most strongest person alive papa, not you, not eleven, and not even one."
"oh-h" he laughed with fear. "you played us out."
"this is why i am so sure about destroying you. i fucking did everything on my own." i was still yelling. "i am inside, inside of your 'we see everything, there is a security man and camera everywhere' place. and you had no idea about me.-"
"you little son of a bitch!"
"fuck you all for doing this to me, to eleven. you all are fucking psychopaths!" and i lifted my hand, like i have telekinesis acting like i hit the man in front of me with a table. the man was actually papa, dr. brenner.

after filming, me and my dad went out to dinner. we talked a lot, it was nice. in a few days i am going to meet his girlfriend. i am fucking scared. and honestly i dont know how i feel about this.

"she is so excited to meet you!"
"i am excited too dad, i am so happy for you!"
"and y/n i know that she is not your mother and until you are not ready for that or like if you ever will ready for that then she can be b-"
"dad please dont stress about. i know that you have had enough all of these crazy women" i laughed.
"yes, i have." he laughed.
we were in the restaurant for hours talking. it was really therapeutic tho.

sadie is sleeping at mine tonight again. we are here more because i have no sibling who could interrupt us during anything haha. she is coming over in a hour i think but to be honest i dont know when. she has a key so she can come in anytime.
i am currently tidying my room. it was such a mess a hour ago and i am still not done. real depressed bedroom.

i found clothes that i never remembered that i have like what is that. oh and i also found sadies shirt what she was searching for in the past like 3 weeks. i am not proud about it though i shouldnt let myself do that to my poor room.

also. a week ago i got an invitation to jimmy again!

IT ALL STARTED ON SET - Sadie Sink Female x female Where stories live. Discover now