gon miss you press

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y/n (your) POV

4th day in nyc
this is my last day in nyc for a while. i had so much fun with her, and after a good period of time, i felt actually so happy. i just missed her so much, you all cant believe how much.

todays plan is that we are gonna wake up early, then go out for breakfast, go out for lunch with pressleys boyfriend because i didnt met him before. we are gonna hang out with him for 1 or 2 hours then leave cuz its our last day together, as u know. then we will visit our favorite places one last time and around 5-6pm we will leave. i hate this part of everything. leaving. this shit always break something. im leaving nyc but im going to a really good place, going back to sadie, to filming to build my dream job. but i am leaving nyc. that one days feeling, when we moved is back and i hate this.

but i have to control my thoughts, this is what i learnt with my therapist. i cant let it win over me, it says its a bad thing so i should kill myself but its actually not that bad and a few sentences back is the reason why. so shut up brain.

"local bakery, our fav?" press asked.
"of course, their crossiant are the best."
we walked down a street and sat in and ordered food and caffee.
"so y/n, can i ask you something?"
"whats up?"
"whats going on with your eating disorder. i hope its not purgative again." she sighed. "i am sorry."
"no, i got your point. its not. i am trying to enjoy this time in nyc."
"dont dare to starve yourself for days because 'you ate breakfast' okay?"
"i wont, i promise you."
"and dont dare to relapse after you go back."
"pressley." i said.
"sorry, y/n me, my parents, your dad, everyoneis worried about you."
"i wont okay?"

we ate then we talked a little bit more while we drank our cold coffee. i mean mine was iced anyways but we were there so long that her hot cappuccino was cold.
we walked back and played some board game with our parents before we started getting ready for leaving.

"how are you feeling y/n?" press's dad asked.
"i am okay, i missed you all so much."
"we missed you too, the house is not the same without you!"
"haha, i hoped. it must be boring."
"it is, very boring!" we laughed.

"he is gonna be here by 1pm." pressley said at 12am.
"so we have a hour to get ready. i think we should slowly start because you know. i dont even know what to wear." i laughed.
we ran upstairs to her room.
"is he, you know. homofobic? should i be straight for this few hours. the male version of the name of sadie is like sammy or i dont know. sammy could he my boyfriend."
"y/n, calm down. he is not homofobic and he knows that you are dating sadie. i mean everyone knows. but i already said that he is not homofobic!"
"okay okay. sorry."
we were ready by 12.40pm so while we waited for him we were on our phone in the living.

"heeeey! .... mhm, okay. .... yes we are ready. ... okay. ... love you, bye!" press said to her phone. "he is here in a minute, go put on ur shoes."
and when she finished her sentence someone were knocking on the door. i am so nervous.
"hey baby!" press opened the door.
"hey, you are so beautiful." he kissed her.
how cute. "Good afternoon, mr-"
"call me eric."
"okay, i am david, but call me dave!"
"nice to meet you dave."
"hi, y/n! i heard a lot from you."
i laughed. "cool." i said as i smirked at press. "sooo, lets go!"

we said by to her parents and my dad and we left.
"aaand y/n, what is like being a celebrity?" he smirked.
"cool, cool. i like it when no one is attacking me."
"mhm, i thought so." he laughed. "and what its like working to the duffers? i love stranger things so much, i am a big fan of that show. i am fan girling in the inside." he said laughing, we both laughed with pressley."
"its really nice, they are really kind and helpful!"

we talked a lot about me and then about him. we had fun, he is a nice guy. i am happy for pressley.

but the fun is over. its 4.30pm and we are sitting in presseys bed crying. "im gonna miss you so much i dont wanna leave you pressley."
"its for the best, i m gonna miss you too y/n. next time i am going to yours! we dont have to wait for years to meet!" she cried. its hard but its not the end of our lifes.

me and my dad said goodbye to her parents with tears in our eyes. her mom made me promise to eat and to take care of my dad and myself. i love her so much.

it was really hard to leave again but we didnt leave forever. and anyway, we are going home.


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