A Wonderful Family

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 I hummed, watching my handmaid Rayan carefully comb my hair. Her dark eyes narrowed as she picked out another knot. My scalp ached as she finally removed it throwing away the clump of gold hair that was torn out.

"Sorry, my lady," Rayan said in her soft voice, "I tried my best, but that was one of the worst knotts you've had."

"Not to worry," I smiled at her in the mirror, "I should have been taking better care of it last night."

"Are you nervous?" Rayan asked, "The choosing ceremony is tonight."

"I really don't want to be chosen for the mating run," I smiled, "But if it means helping the survival of our race I will do what I must."

"Very noble of you my lady," Rayan frowned, "I am sure you won't be chosen, I've heard that some people are paying to keep their daughters off the list, while others have paid to get selected."

"Such corruption is disgusting," I muttered, "I don't understand why people would go to such measures."

"For many people it is a chance to free themselves from poverty." Rayan said, her soft voice filling the quiet room. "If nothing else it will be one less mouth to feed."

I nodded in agreement, "I'm sure the nobles are trying to keep their children out of the run. Most people I know would be horrified if their chance for an advantageous bonding was ruined."

Rayan began braiding the side of my head, pulling my golden hair away from my face, "Do you think some might be trying to get their sons in it? If there is a high ranking female in the run then they would be able to completely change their life."

"It is unfortunate that people are trying to change the results of the run." I winced as she tugged to tighten the braid. "As much as I would dislike being chosen, I will do what must be done."

"That is a good way to think of it," She said as she tied off the braid, "If you are chosen tonight, you will be taken immediately. After what happened a few years ago..."

"I know," I sighed, remembering the tragic news of the female that had killed herself to avoid being chosen, "You are so lucky Rayan, to have found a wonderful mate so you won't have to participate. How is Adon? Still farming?"

Rayan blushed at the mention of her mate, "He recently bought piglets, we are hoping if they get big enough that he can sell them for a profit. I'm surprised your father hasn't found you a sutor so you won't need to go through all this."

"Mother said that he wasn't able to find anyone good enough," I sighed, "That means that no one has enough money or a high enough station to bond with me."

"Don't worry, Aslin." Raylan took my hand pulling me away from the mirror. "You will find someone handsome and kind to spend the rest of your days with."

"I hope so," I smiled at her, ignoring the sense of dread that was weighing on my chest.


"Aslin!" My mother called, drawing my attention away from the herbs I was tending to.

"Yes?" I called back, straightening and brushing dirt off of my pink dress.

"Come inside," She replied, disappearing back into the manor.

I pushed my braid behind my shoulder, grasping my dress so it would brush the ground as I walked inside. My mother must have gathered people to see me off. I had already seen the carriage that had been sent to bring me to the temple.

Peering through the open doorway I could see my older brothers chatting. Their faces creased with worry lines. My father stood near the staircase, his cold blue eyes looking at the floor tiles.

"Darling!" My mother called excitedly, her large smile almost making up for the dreary atmosphere. "Come. Say hello to your brothers."

"Henry," I said, nodding to the taller of the two males. "How is Marie?"

"She is doing well," He grinned, his eyes glazing over at the thought of her, "Shouldn't be too much longer before she gives birth. Healer Ray said it will be two more months. We couldn't be happier."

"Wonderful," I smiled wider, enjoying my brother's happiness, "How are you Bryn? I'm surprised you made time to come here with all of your studies."

"Always time to see you sis," Bryn replied, his blue eyes so similar to our fathers sparkling in the dimming sunlight, "Are you nervous?"

"Of course not," I'm dreading this so much. "I doubt I'll be chosen."

"What will you do if you are?" Henry asked, "I've heard stories of how violent it can be."

Bryn nodded in agreement, "One of my friends at the academy had been chosen when he was younger. He still has large scars on his back from the fights. Apparently they spray the females down in heat pheromones to make sure everyone tries to bond with each other."

"Don't worry," I reassured him, my heart pounding in my chest and my hands clenched together to keep from shaking.

"Stop scaring your sister." Father growled, walking towards us, "She is a strong girl. Even if you are chosen Aslin I'm sure you'll be fine. Just hide until you see someone who looks like they can protect you. Maybe you'll even know someone there."

"Aslin," Mother said, "You must get going now, the carriage is waiting."

I embraced my brothers, drawing what comfort I could from them. My father didn't hug me, just nodded before wandering back to his study. Mother grabbed my hand, walking with me to the carriage.

"Lady Aslin," The driver opened the door, his white gloves standing out against the dark wood of the carriage.

"You'll be okay," Mother reassured as I hesitated to climb into the carriage. "When you get home tonight we will have a big dinner to celebrate you not being chosen."

"What if I don't come home?" I whispered, blinking to keep back my tears.

"Then we will see you in two weeks when the run is over." Mother hugged me, her thin arms wrapping around me tightly, "No matter what you will be coming home to us safely."

"I love you," I grasped her, quietly crying into her shoulder.

"I love you too, Aslin," She patted my back before pulling away, "Go on darling, I'll see you soon."

With that I took the driver's hand, letting him help me into the carriage and ignoring the pity in his gaze. I wiped away my tears and waved goodbye to my mother. Her large smile gave me courage as the horses pulled me away from my family.

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