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Get ready guys gals and aliens. This one is a doozy.

 "Aslin," The deep voice of my mate called from inside Theorn's office. "Come in here."

I waved goodbye to my brothers and Marie. They were headed down to eat dinner in the dining room we had eaten in the night before. I left them to find their own way, joining my mate for the first time all day.

My eyes swept over him slowly, taking in every curve and sharp line of his body. The sleeves of his usual black button down had been pushed up sinewy forearms. Azrael's dark hair was stuck up in odd directions like he had been tugging at it. Silver eyes roamed my body freely and I was quickly aware of how much I had missed those eyes upon me.

My memories of those eyes turning into liquid night filled my mind. The moments when the male wasn't able to hold back the beast inside of him. His pupils bled into silver, my thoughts seemingly summoning his lycan to the surface.

"I'm going to head to dinner," Theorn said with an annoyed huff, "Please don't fuck in my office."

"Piss off," Azrael growled, my face turning redder than a tomato at his words.

"Ta-ta!" Theorn called, already heading into the hall.

Ignoring him I took a step towards Azrael, noting his tense shoulders. His ever permanent smile seemed deeper than usual today. Something was clearly eating at him, but I wasn't going to bring it up. I had to trust that whatever it was he would talk to me about it when he was ready.

"Come with me," Az ordered, leading the way out of the door without waiting to see if I would follow.

I quickly followed him, anxiety fluttering in my chest. He was acting more brisk than usual, less affectionate. His steps halted suddenly and he turned to face me, a large hand coming up to grip my chin in a firm grip.

"Stop worrying so much," He muttered, pressing a quick kiss to my lips, "I have a lot on my mind right now, but I want to take you somewhere special tonight."

"Okay," I breathed, heat throbbing between my thighs at his touch and the way his eyes darkened when he looked at me.

He led me into our bed chamber, warmth spreading throughout the room from the flickering fire. Clothing had been neatly folded atop the made up bed. Deep soft black, I fingered the fabric and looked over at him in confusion.

"In the entire time I've known you," Azrael hummed, stepping closer and gripping my hips, "I don't think I've ever seen you let your lycan out. So get dressed. We're going out to play."


My hair whipped freely around my face, the frigid air swirling around my body. Azrael stood beside me, silver eyes reflecting the moonlight as he studied the forest. My lycan lurked beneath the surface, the chains I had wrapped my beastly side in close to breaking.

Females were not allowed to run freely through the forests like our male counterparts. We were too valuable to the continuation of our species. For most males having a female was a requirement to remain sane. Without a female to bond with, most males lose themselves to mate rot, the only males that are spared are those that are capable of bonding with another male.

The value of my sex was most of the reason for me staying sheltered in my father's manor. I had never been given the chance to succumb to my beast and roam the forest freely, much less at night. My hands trembled with excitement, dark veins spreading across my skin before disappearing as I got ahold of myself.

"Aslin," My mate growled into my ear. "You have thirty seconds to shift and get as far away from me as possible before I take you."

"What?" I twisted to face him, watching as his eyes darkened with lust, slowly sweeping over every dip and curve of my body.

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