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"Aslin," Azrael called, shaking me awake.

I blinked slowly, adjusting my eyes to the candle light. Azrael was standing in front of me carrying a dinner tray with one hand, the other resting on my hip. I attempted to recall how I had come to be in this warm, soft bed, but I couldn't remember anything after he had rinsed out my hair.

"What is it?" I asked, sitting up against the pillows.

"Have some dinner," He said, setting the tray on my lap. "I know you must be tired, but you can't go hungry."

My stomach gurgled when I looked down at the stew in front of me. I smiled, grabbing the spoon and eagerly taking a bite. I hummed happily, grinning up at him before remembering he would be leaving me soon. My smile dropped and the small smile spreading his full lips fell.

"What happened?" I asked after swallowing another bite.

"You fell asleep in the tub," He replied, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching me eat, "I washed and dried you before putting you in bed."

He smiled, his damp hair making the black look even darker. I looked down and realized I was in a shirt so large that the neck hole had slipped to one side, showing my collar bones.

"Is this yours as well?" I asked, pointing to the shirt before continuing to eat.

"Yes," Azrael's eyes drifted over me, darkening possessively, "I couldn't have my female continuing to parade around in another male's clothing."

"Thank you," I muttered.

We sat in silence as I finished my food. Azrael watched me intently, it almost seemed like he was worried I would stop eating. I pushed away the tray and he grabbed it from me, standing and walking to the door. He quickly set the tray outside before locking the door and returning to the bed.

"You're staying with me?" I asked, gritting my teeth together.

"Yes," He replied firmly, "We are mates whether you like it or not. We might not have a bond yet, but you are still mine. You will behave as a mate should, even if we do not couple again."

"Will I?" I growled, watching as his stern face disappeared, "Just when I begin to think that you are not as bad as I believed you to be, you begin saying ridiculous things like that. I will behave as I please. I will not do anything that will damage either of our reputations, but if you expect me to become loving and docile you have another thing coming."

Azrael buried his face in his palms, "I am not trying to insult you, Aslin. I was attempting to say that you will need to act the part in public. You may continue to despise me privately as much as you wish, but I do hope you will change your mind about me in time."

I sighed, beginning to feel guilty about getting so upset with him. Maybe I would have been able to accept the fact that I was going to be spending up to three years by myself, but the way he went about it was horrible. I gritted my teeth together, feeling as though I had been swindled out of the chance to find a better mate.

"Azrael," I crossed my arms against my chest, his eyes flicking down to look at my breasts before meeting my eyes with a blush, "There was a chance, as small as it was, that I could have been claimed by someone who actually wanted me. You took that chance away. Now I am trapped with someone who doesn't want me, who is using me so he can leave his people. I'm sorry if I have a hard time adjusting to that information, but you were right, at least I won't have to deal with you for a few years. Now please let me sleep."

Azrael stood, pulling off his shirt and trousers, leaving him in his undershorts. Candlelight glimmered off his body and I frowned, noticing for the first time the black star that gleamed on his unblemished skin. It stood out on his hip, but was so small that it wasn't a surprise that I had missed it.

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