Trama is Hard to Write*

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Bright light blinded me and I curled up on my side. Preparing myself for Dran to start dragging that knife over my back. The only place that he hadn't touched yet.

"Aslin," The deep voice of my mate echoed in my ears and tears slipped from my eyes.

I was closer to death than I had thought. My body began to tremble and shake from the force of my sobs. I didn't want to die yet. I wanted to spend the rest of my life wrapped up in my mate's arms and listening to his laugh.

"What did he do to you?" That sinfully deep voice breathed.

I cried harder, wrapping my arms around myself as tightly as I was able. The cuts on my body reopened, but I didn't care. The sharp pain kept me awake, helped me hold on to reality. A large hand gently stroked my back and I screamed, the hand instantly pulling away.

"Aslin," The pained voice of my mate said softly.

I refused to turn, knowing that if I did I would only find Dran, grinning at me with his knife ready to dig into my spine. Chains clinked together and metal was removed from my ankles. What game was he playing now? Is it because I asked him about his mate? Maybe if I ask nicely enough he'll let me die in the sunshine.

"Dran," I called out softly, choking on my tears, "Please, let me see the sunshine before I die. I don't want to die in the dark. Please."

Dran didn't answer, but strong arms wrapped around me. I was lifted into the air and pressed against a naked chest. I smiled slightly, he was going to let me see the sun.

"Thank you," I whispered, relaxing in the warm rays that heated my frozen skin.


Warmth surrounded me, along with stifling darkness. I let out a choked sob, my muscles aching with every movement. I wrapped my arms around myself, rocking my tired body back and forth in an effort to comfort myself.

The door swung open, bright light temporarily blinding me. I let out a startled shriek, hiding my face behind my hands. Footsteps pounded towards me and I trembled.

"Please," I begged, "Not yet, I don't want to go yet. Just let me live a little longer. I'm not done with my memories."

Large arms wrapped around me, pulling my body into a firm chest. I gasped in surprise, looking up expecting to find Dran sneering down at me. Instead I found Killian's worried frown and green eyes brimming with emotion.

"Calm down, Aslin," Killian soothed, "You're safe now. Azrael found you." "Where is he?" I asked, my voice rasping out of me.

"He was cleaning up," He replied, "Az has spent the last four days looking for you and when he found you he wouldn't leave your side. I just convinced him that it was his stink keeping you unconscious."

I could only nod in response, my hand going to my parched throat. My bones ached, and most of my body had been wrapped up in clean white cloth. We were in a large room similar to the one Az and I were staying in, but the windows were on the wrong side.

"Water?" Killian offered me a small glass filled with the goddess's most wonderful creation.

I tried to take the glass from him, but my hands were too shaky. Killian ended up having to lift the water to my lips, allowing me to take small sips. Slow footsteps sounded from outside the door and I instinctively curled up into him. Hiding my face from whatever dangers were coming closer.

"Aslin?" The gravelly voice of my mate called.

"Az," I whispered, pulling away from Killian, leaning towards my mate despite my aching belly.

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