Needy Male

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We traveled for another four days to reach the northern estate. The weather only got colder as we reached the mountains, Azrael began bundling me up each time we left an inn. He was worried I would catch a cold as I wasn't used to such cold weather.

Azrael had become distant after that encounter we had at the first inn. He rode with his men instead of staying with me in the carriage. We had stopped sharing a room, and I found myself missing his company. The carriage slowed on the empty road and I looked outside to see Azrael dismounting his horse.

He was looking around with a smile, clearly happy to be home. My breath caught when the morning sun lit up his eyes. Gray turned to melted silver, my chest ached with an unfamiliar longing. Azrael approached the carriage and I sat back against the seat, pretending that I wasn't just staring at him. The door swung open and I turned to look at Azrael, his face was blank as it had been the last few days.

"Is something wrong?" I asked hesitantly, anxiety stirring my stomach.

"It will take at least an hour to get the carriage to town," Azrael said, "Rasen and Sanu will take the carriage, the rest of us are going to take the trail. It is much faster and you'll have a better view of our territory."

I nodded, taking his extended hand as I stepped out of the carriage. Garren was holding onto the large bay steed that Azrael was riding, and he gave me a worried look before talking to Sanu. Azrael gripped my hips, hoisting me up onto the horse with a deep frown.

Chewing on my lower lip I avoided looking at him. The horse shifted as he swung himself onto its back gracefully. I could hear his teeth clack together when our bodies met, my rump pressed against his front. Tensing I leaned forward, trying to get some distance from his hard body. He picked the horse up into a walk and we began climbing up the rocky trail.

Attempting to relax I leaned into Azrael, his large arms were already wrapped around me so he was able to hold the reins. This was the closest I had been to him in days and I found myself fighting the urge to nuzzle into his chest and take long draws of his scent. He smelled of pine, sunshine, and something that was pure male. I wanted to smell and lick him until I found the source of that masculine smell.

"Aslin," He growled.

I straightened, drawing myself away from him, "Sorry."

"Fuck, Aslin," He huffed, glancing down at me, "Do you even know how hard you're making this for me?"

"I don't even know what I did," I replied, wringing my fingers together, "Why are you so mad at me? Is it because I was alone with Garren? I thought that we sorted that out."

"What?" He huffed, brows furrowing, "It's not Garren-"

"Then what?" I snapped, glaring at him, "This is the first time you've come near me in days and I'm sure that is only because you don't want me to ride with someone else. So please, tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it."

"Goddess, Aslin," He gritted his teeth together, "You didn't do anything. I was staying away from you because everytime I get close to you I start losing control of myself. All I want to do right now is take you."

My eyes widened in surprise and his gray eyes met mine. Flames licked down my spine, heat pooling in my core.

"You looking at me like that doesn't help." He growled, gritting his teeth together and focusing on the path.

"Like what?" I asked, clenching my thighs together.

"Like you want me to do whatever I want to you," Azrael replied, his voice rough with lust. "I can't help myself around you, but you don't want that. I was just trying to respect what you wanted not make you think I was angry with you."

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