So Much for a Wonderful Family

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 Arael entered the room quietly, tossing another log on the fire. He approached me, a soft smile spreading his lips as he looked down at my exposed sex, still dripping with his cum. His eyes darkened, but he was gentle as he cleaned me up. Leaving tender kisses on my hips and thighs.

My body began to shake with tremors that had him straightening. He tossed away the rag, rough hands rubbing at my thighs. My teeth began to chatter and I looked at him in alarm. Fear flaying my skin.

"Az," I called, my eyes wide, "I can't stop shaking."

"I know, beautiful." He rumbled, settling his naked body next to mine and pulling a fur over us. "Don't worry. It will pass. Your body isn't used to being treated like that and sometimes it mistakes it for trauma."

"But that wasn't traumatic." I huffed, clutching at his arm with shaky hands.

"I know," He rumbled, kissing at my neck and stroking my side as he wrapped himself around me. "Just give it sometime and the shakes will stop."

I sucked in panicked breaths. My chest rose too quickly for his liking as he sat up.

"Deep breaths," He ordered, his voice going deeper and eyes beginning to bleed black.

I quickly inhaled, my beastly side following his command instinctively. He grinned at me, his slowly turning back to silver. Carefully watching me as I continued to breathe deeply.

"Good girl," Az rumbled, pulling me onto his chest.

My tremors slowly stopped. Soothed away by his hand gently swiping up and down my spine. His other hand rubbed at the back of my neck, loosening my tight muscles. My eyes grew heavy and I tried my best to keep them open, distracting myself by drawing circles on his chest.

"I should go," I muttered, fighting back a yawn.

"You're not going anywhere," Az growled, his hand on my neck gripping me tightly.

"What about Esmae?" I huffed, nuzzling into his neck. Pressing kisses to his neck that had his breath stuttering in his chest. "I shouldn't have left her."

"Don't worry," Az replied, relaxing underneath me, "I put a guard outside her door to make sure she doesn't do anything."

"Thank you."

With my guilt eased I let out a long sigh. Azrael continued to rub me and the last thing I remembered before falling asleep was him pressing his lips to the top of my head and muttering something.


I pushed back from the desk, sighing. Theorn looked up at me with an amused smile. It had been six days since I had arrived here. Four since I met Esmae. She continued to stay in the castle with us. Though it was obvious how being away from her mate was affecting her.

More often than not she had tears streaked down her face and if it weren't for our insistence she probably would have stopped eating. Garren had shown up at the castle after her first day staying at the castle. Clawing at the gates and roaring her name as his beast fought to get to his mate.

I stayed with her all day then, distracting her from the commotion and telling her about my time in the Garden. Showing her the moon that was printed onto my skin. She cried herself to sleep that night.

"Aslin," A firm voice called out from behind me.

I turned to face my male that was leaning against the door, "Yes?"

"Come here." He ordered, his deep voice going straight to my sex as I stood, walking to him, "I have a surprise for you."

"You do?" I beamed, taking his extended hand as I followed him down to the front doors. "What is it?"

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