Lady Bitch

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 I stood there in the center of the room. It was clear someone had been occupying the room while he was away and judging by the lace undergarments lying underneath the bed it wasn't a male. My annoyance grew and I couldn't help but wonder just how many females he had slept with, and which one of them he was so close to that she would sleep in his room.

Deciding not to just sit there and wallow I left the room heading out of the wing and towards the other side of the hall. I peered down the staircase, but there was no sign of Azrael or anyone else for that matter. Sighing in defeat I continued to the other side of the stairs. The was hanging open, showing the rows of books that went all the way to the ceiling, a ladder on wheels so you could move it from shelf to shelf.

I trailed my fingers on the smooth wood of the desk that was facing the arching windows similar to the ones in Azrael's chambers. This must be his personal library, papers messily stacked on the corners of his desk. Humming to myself I began skimming some of the book titles, most of them to do with politics and history.

"Lady Aslin," Theorn panted, his hand resting on the doorway, "I need you to come with me. It's urgent."

I followed him as he rushed back down the staircase, gripping my dress to keep from tripping on the long fabric. Azrael's large body blocked my view, though I could see deep blue fabric from the space between his legs. The hair on the back of my neck stood up like hackles, jealousy scratching its sharp claws down my insides.

"Azrael," I called, reaching the bottom of the stairs, "What are you doing?"

My mate stiffened, pulling away from the female he was standing too close to. Azrael turned his back to the dark haired female, her red lipstick smudged. I gritted my teeth, stepping away when he tried to wrap an arm around my waist.

"What is going on here?" I growled, glaring up at him.

Azrael frowned, "This is the female that decided to help herself to our chambers, Lady Isa Chersan. Daughter of Duke Chersan."

The female smiled at me, her brown eyes narrowing. This was the person Theorn had mentioned earlier, the one Azrael hadn't told about him participating in the mating run. Straightening my spine I looked her in the eyes.

"Lady Isa," I smiled, imitating the venom my mother had in her voice whenever someone stepped out of line, "As wonderful as it is to meet you I believe you have come at a bad time."

"Why is that?" Lady Isa asked, raising a perfectly plucked brow at me.

I stepped towards her, "Well, I am sure you understand. A newly mated couple, coming home to find that a female has been sleeping in their bed. Well, it is a very good thing you hadn't been in the bed when we entered the room. Otherwise I might have been unable to control myself."

"How dare you!" Lady Isa growled, raising her hand to strike me.

I gripped her arm before she could slap me, ignoring the enraged snarls coming from the males behind me. Leaning in until my lips were almost touching her ear, my claws just barely piercing her skin.

"If I find you in my mate's bed again I will make sure you won't have a tongue to tell daddy dearest what happened to the rest of you." I growled, "Now get out. My mate was about to show me around my new home."

Letting her tug her arm out of my grip I stepped back. Isa looked to Azrael, clearly looking for some support from him. Arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and a low growl came from deep within Azrael's chest as he glowered at the female in front of us. Isa huffed, her skirts swishing as she heaved open the door and stormed out into the courtyard.

"Off." I growled once the door had slammed shut.

"What's wrong?" Azrael asked, releasing me and taking a step back.

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