Let Me Help

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I shuffled the notes I had written. Handing some to Theorn to make sure I had gotten all the information correct. He was scribbling on it, adding information I had missed when the door was thrown open. Theorn grinned, and I turned, taking in the drenched male with ripped clothing and red marks all over his stomach.

"I need a moment with Aslin." Azrael said, his voice unusually gruff. "Come with me."

"Is everything alright?" I asked, following him into the hall.

"I need your help with something," He said, his eyes searching the halls before looking back at me, "One of my friends is going through a rough time and I don't know how to help her."

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, noticing the pained expression on his face and wanting to do anything I could to get rid of it.

"She can't be alone right now." Az replied, tugging at his hair, "Esmae just needs-"

"Esmae?" Frowning, I attempted to recall where I had heard that name before.

"Yes," He started moving again, heading up the stairs, "She needs a friend and I couldn't think of anyone else-"

He cut himself off, his ears turning red. Az turned away from me, heading to the library and opening the door. A female was huddled up on the leather couch, furs piled up around her. Dark curls framed tear streaked cheeks and her blue eyes were downcast.

I looked over to Azrael, hoping for some sort of guidance. He had crossed his arms, and his grouchy expression was back. He was most likely upset because he couldn't find a solution to this problem. Azrael was definitely the type to want to have all the answers. Deciding that it would be best if I just spoke to the poor female I stepped forward.

"Hello," I said, sitting down beside her as lightning flashed outside. "I'm Aslin, and you are?"

Deep, sad eyes looked over at me, "Esmae."

"Are you alright?" I asked, reaching over and grabbing one of her hands. I wasn't used to comforting people, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

"No," She sobbed, tears flowing down her round cheeks.

"Do you need to talk about it?" I asked, moving closer to pull her into a tight hug like my mother did for me whenever I was upset. "If not, maybe we can talk about other things? Get your mind off of whatever is bothering you?"

"I don't want to talk about it again." She sniffled, wiping at her eyes.

"Alright," I assured her, "We don't have to talk about anything you don't want to. Az told me you're a healer. I used to grow herbs for the healer in our town."

"What kind of herbs?" She asked, giving me a tentative smile.


Esmae and I sat and talked about everything and nothing for a few hours. Azrael had tea brought in and sat at his desk for a while, shuffling papers and going through documents. More often than not I would look over and find his silver eyes staring at me. My mate left the room just as the clock struck five.

"He is something else isn't he?" Esmae commented with a laugh, "I don't think I've ever seen him so flustered before."

"What do you mean?" I asked, pulling my eyes away from the closed door.

"He clearly wanted to come over here," She giggled, "He couldn't stop staring at you. It was adorable."

Heat flooded my cheeks and I looked away from her, "I don't know what to think of him. It seems foolish to get attached since he is just going to be leaving in a few weeks."

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