Chapter 6

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It was raining. Something Riley normally found comforting, if she was inside. Not standing outside, sharing an umbrella with another person.

The mud dirtied their shoes and the bottom of every man present's trousers. Black was the main colour surrounding everything and just then Riley noticed how hard it felt to breathe.

Her throat was sore and her eyes burned.

As if she had been crying.

Suddenly everything that was audible were sobs from the people around her and the tight grip from the shaking figure next to her only rose her anxiety.

Riley looked down at her hand and saw herself holding a handful of dirt. Shaking, she opened her hand and let it fall down to the ground where it immediately turned into mud.

She fell to the ground while breathing hysterically and when she looked up the only thing she saw was a name, "McEvery"

Riley's eyes shot open and she was met with Changbin's worried face. "What happened? You were turning and tossing in your sleep and just now you started crying"

Riley was brought into the strong arms of her boyfriend and almost all her previous emotions were put at ease.
"I had a nightmare. I don't really know what exactly happened. I think someone died?"

Riley always opened up about weird dreams she had to Changbin because she always found comfort in his reassuring.
"It was just a dream princess. You are here, with me. Nothing is gonna hurt you, I'll make sure of that. If you let me I will always protect you"

Riley nuzzled into Changbin's firm chest and mumbled some inaudible words of gratitude.

"Let's try to get back to sleep okay?"

Changbin gently laid the both of them back onto the mattress and held Riley's body close to his. He started tracing little shapes on the exposed skin of the girl next to him. Both of them always calmed down if they had skin to skin contact.

"I love you princess. Sleep tight"
Soon after both of them were lulled back into dreamland - a peaceful one this time.

"I'm starting to regret letting you wear that outfit. This view of you should only be for my eyes" Changbin pouted and looked up a little to face Riley.

That was another thing nagging on his ego: Because of the fact that Riley was only 1 centimetre smaller, she became taller every time she wore heels.
His shoes also had hidden platforms but the difference sadly still measured about 3 centimetres.

"But I am only yours so you don't have to worry. And I won't move from your side" Changbin of course couldn't deny her anything, especially after a constant smile about two hours ago had set in.
Riley was really excited for this auction, mainly because her best friend worked in the art programm.

"Shall we go princess?" Changbin offered his arm and after linking their arms, the two took off towards the festival hall.

"It's gorgeous!" Riley's eyes wandered through the hall, landing on the well-dressed people, the light decorations and the few art pieces that were put to show.

"Do you want to take a look around or sit down?" Changbin asked, already intimidated by all the seemingly single men in the room.

Without himself noticing his hold around Riley's waist tightened and he kissed her cheek in a way of showing what was his.

Riley giggled, having seen right through his actions. She guided her boyfriend towards one of the paintings and started speaking about it's artist.

"She was known to be the first feminist of her time, leading a secret debating group for women" A voice behind them said.

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