That's not what happened

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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

Seconds later, Hunter B-15 walked in.

"What are you doing?"

"Our jobs. Is it yours to interrupt?" I asked, annoyed.

She ignored me. "We have a situation."

"There's always a situation." Mobius sighed. "Don't go anywhere," I said as we went outside to talk to B-15 about the situation. I looked back and saw that Linda wasn't following. I let her stay because she really seemed to like the variant.

~~~Loki's pov~~~

Focusing on trying to remember where I knew Catherine from, I didn't notice that she and Mobius had left me alone with Linda until I heard the door close behind them.

Since we were by ourselves, I decided to ask the girl about something that was bothering me.

"Linda, before when you told Mobius he shouldn't talk about things he didn't understand, what did you mean by that?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I just think he doesn't know the whole story."

"Okay..." I looked at her strangely. Why was she so ready to defend me if she didn't know what happened herself? Or maybe she did...

There's something about her I just can't put my finger on.

I was about to ask her something else when she brought out a small device and used it to take my collar off.


I looked at her, perplexed. "What are you-"


Wait. She wants me to escape?

"Don't ask questions! Just go! Hurry! Before they come back!" She pleaded.

I didn't move, causing her to roll her eyes.

She then pressed a button on the device that made a glowing door appear. She tried to push me through the door, but I stood my ground.

When she realized I wouldn't leave willingly, she used the device to make the door appear under me so I would fall through.

Clever girl.

I fell through the door and ended up back where I started by the receptionist's desk.

I saw a man I recognized from when I first got here and went up to him.

"Hey! I know you! You're that criminal with the blue box!"

"Shhhh! Sh!" I shushed him, pulling him behind a desk.

The following conversation led me to believe that this man, Casey, may have been an idiot.

He gave me the Tesseract, eventually.

And then I saw something that baffled me.

The desk drawer was filled with Infinity Stones.

"How-how do you have these?"

"Oh, yeah. We actually get a lot of those. Some of the guys use them as paperweights."

After that mind-opening revelation, I was almost killed again.

I escaped and ran back to the interrogation room. I didn't see Linda anywhere. I hope she didn't get in trouble for letting me go.

Or really, making me go.

I noticed the projector was still on the table, so I decided to finish watching to video.

I needed to know what happened to me after New York.


So, apparently, after my mother's death, I faked my death, exiled Odin off of Asgard, took his place as king, ruled for four years before Thor ruined it; Odin died, Thor and I started to get along, and then Thanos snapped my neck.


You know what, maybe it's a good thing the TVA took me out of my timeline...

I sat down on a step, thinking about that when Linda stepped forward.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "Shouldn't you be with your mother?"

"Listen to me. Before they come back, you need to listen to me. That's not what happened." She said firmly, pointing to the screen.

"What do you-" I couldn't finish my sentence because that's when Catherine and Mobius came back into the room. Linda then sat on the step next to me and started to draw happily.

What did she mean that's not what happened? I just saw it!

I stared at her, confused by her now happy expression.

~~~Catherine's pov~~~

I am so confused.

First, he escapes. Then he comes back to the room that he knows he'll get caught in.

Why did he come back?

"You try to use that?" I asked, pointing to the Tesseract.

"Oh, yes. Several times. Even an Infinity Stone is worthless here." He answered, placing the cube on the floor next to him.

"Look, we can't offer you salvation. But we can offer you something better. Redemption. A fugitive variant has been killing our minutemen." Mobius started.

"And you need the God of Mischief to help you stop him?"

"That's right." I nodded.

"Why me?"

"Because the variant we're hunting is you."

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