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~~~Loki's pov~~~

The variant and I landed in a small tent, and after five seconds of peace, the fight started.

We fought for a considerable amount of time before we called a truce.

It's a long and tiresome story, so I won't go into details.

The only thing that seems to stand out to me is that when we ran out of the tent to escape the meteorites, I saw a flash of green from behind the tent. I didn't pay it much attention, as I was in fact running for my life.


Here's what I've found out about this variant of me.

She goes by Sylvie, not Loki.

That's basically it.


"You don't know what you want." She said, clearly annoyed with me as we walked to a suspected power source to charge the Tempad.

"I know I want to protect that little girl you tried to kill. And I think I've succeeded. I don't know about you, but I'm not a big fan of child murder." I shot back.


We got on a train that was supposed to bring us to an evacuation vessel. Hopefully, that would be able to power the tempad.

We stepped into one of the cars and walked over to a seat, but were met with a surprise.

"Took you long enough." A familiar green-eyed five-year-old sat in the seat in front of us.

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

"Linda? What are you doing here? How are you here?" I asked, praying that Sylvie wouldn't try to kill her. Again.

Then I realized. I may not have pushed her far enough away when I opened the time door. She must have fallen through after we did.

"You fell through the time door, didn't you."

She nodded.

I sighed. This was not good.

I turned to Sylvie. "Okay, the little girl you threatened to kill is here, stuck in this apocalypse with us. So please, try not to make things worse." I whispered seriously.

She rolled her eyes and sat across from Linda.

"So, Loki tells me your name's Linda." She smiled kindly at her.

Wow. I was not expecting that.

Linda nodded slowly, and I could tell she didn't fully trust her.

And who could blame her? She was almost killed by her!

This was certainly not ideal.


We had been on the train for an hour before Linda fell asleep on my shoulder.

I don't fully trust Sylvie with Linda yet, so I had been sitting next to her.

"You really care about her, don't you?" She asked me when we were sure she was asleep.

"I suppose so, yes," I answered honestly.

"How do you know her?"

"Well, she was one of the first people I met at the TVA who was willing to give me a chance."

"Who else?" She asked, seemingly interested.

"Her mother."

She nodded, looking at Linda curiously.

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