Memories wiped...again

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~~~Loki's pov~~~

I rushed out the door, my heart pounding, and ran through the halls of the TVA. Minutemen hurried around me, no doubt trying to fix the countless branches caused by Sylvie murdering He Who Remains.

I got to the analyst area, trying to find them. Fortunately, I found Mobius and B-15 talking at the end of an aisle. No sign of Catherine or Linda, though.

"That's, what, 63 new branches in this unit alone?" I overheard Mobius ask the hunter.

"Does he want us to just let them all branch?" B-15 looked at him questioningly.

"Well, at this point, how are we gonna stop it?"

"We can't!" I called out to them.

They turned to me. "What? What'd you say?" Mobius questioned as I walked closer to them.

"It's done, Mobius," I said, out of breath. "We made a terrible mistake."

"What's done?" B-15 asked.

I took a deep breath. "We freed the timeline. We found him beyond the storm. A Citadel at the End of Time. He's terrifying; he planned everything. It's complicated, okay?"


"But someone is coming. Countless different versions of a very dangerous person, and they're all set on war. We need to prepare. But first, where are Catherine and Linda? Are they safe?"

"Okay, take it easy. How do you know Linda and Catherine?"

I looked at him, perplexed. "What do you-"

"Mobius? What's going on?" A familiar voice asked from behind me.

I turned and saw Catherine and Linda.

I sighed in relief. They were okay.

"Something's wrong with this guy. He keeps going on about some multiversal war." Mobius shrugged.

"Yeah, that is odd." She stared at me, her eyes void of any emotion. I looked at Linda, and she was the same.


That's when I finally noticed.

They weren't wearing their necklaces.

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