Everything is going to be okay

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~~~Loki's pov~~~

They... They don't remember...

The sentence repeated itself in my head, but I didn't want to believe it.

"Take him down to processing. See if something's up." Mobius said.

"Sure thing. Let's go, possibly crazy analyst guy." Catherine walked me out into a hallway with Linda close behind.

No, this can't be happening. They need to remember.

"Catherine, Linda, it's me! Please try to remember! You know me!" I begged, my vision getting hazy as I trailed behind them.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't know you." Catherine shook her head.

"Linda?" I looked at her. She remembered me last time, so maybe she would this time too.

"Sorry, but I've never seen you before." She shrugged, making my heart sink.

"No. You have to remember. Please! I can't lose you both again!" Tears began to form in my eyes.

Suddenly, Catherine stopped walking and pulled me into a time theater.

The second the doors closed, they both hugged me tightly.


I looked at them in shock. "You remember?" I asked, hope filling my chest.

They nodded and pulled out their necklaces in unison.

I felt myself choke back tears. They still remember.

~~~Catherine's pov~~~

I saw a single tear fall before Loki pulled us back into another hug.

Linda and I have been so anxious about not knowing if he would show up. After we found out that this was a past version of the TVA, and no one had any memories of us, we were worried that Loki wouldn't know how to find us, with no way to get back to our current time.

We didn't know what was happening or how, so we hid our necklaces and played along.

The plan was to get out of the TVA before revealing that we still had our memories, but I didn't want to put him through this charade for that long.

"I thought I lost you." I heard his broken voice.

"You could never." I shook my head, my tears threatening to fall.

~~~Linda's pov~~~

Playing dumb was killing me! I'm glad Mom decided to call it off.

It broke my heart to make him think we had forgotten him, mostly because I knew how it felt.

Before I knew what was happening, I thought Mom was faking it. I didn't realize she had no recollection of anything.

Discovering my mom forgot everything could have killed me if not for the hope that Dad would come back.

"I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." I apologized.

I truly felt awful about it.

Dad shook his head. "Don't be sorry for staying safe. I understand you had a cover to maintain. Maybe next time, don't sell it as hard as you did. You almost gave me a heart attack." He forced a small laugh.

~~~3rd person pov~~~

"So, what happened?" Catherine asked, now sitting at the interrogation table with Loki and Linda.

He sighed. "Too much to go into right now. I'm just glad you two are alright."

The multiverse was plunging into chaos; they were stuck in a past version of the TVA, and Sylvie had destroyed the balance of the universe. But Linda had her parents back. Catherine and Loki had their daughter back.

Because their family was for all time.


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