All Is Revealed

451 19 57

~~~Loki's pov~~~

I had been in the time cell for who knows how long before the red time door appeared again

"Mobius, I-" I stopped, realizing it wasn't Mobius who opened the time door.

It was Linda.

"Linda, it is so good to see you. Okay, I need you to listen to me. I know it sounds hard to believe, but you're a variant." I needed her to know the truth. It wasn't right to keep it from her.

"I know." She nodded.

~~~Linda's pov~~~

I watched as his face filled with confusion.

"Wait. You know? How? Did Sylvie tell you?"

"No. I've always known." I shrugged.


I sighed. This was going to be hard to explain. But I've been waiting for this moment for almost over five years.

"Maybe sit down for this," I suggested, sitting on a bench that was in the time cell.

"Okay?" He sat down next to me.

"What do you mean you've always known? Sylvie told me the TVA wipes everyone's memories."

"Well, as far as they know, my mind is wiped. They tried to erase my memories, but it didn't work." I answered honestly.

"What about your mother? Does she know?"

"No, no she doesn't. The only ones in the entirety of the TVA that know the truth are you, me, Renslayer, and Sylvie."

"Okay, but why did your memories stay intact while your mother's didn't?"

"On the day that we were taken, I was wearing this necklace." I held up the necklace. "I had it on when they were 'erasing' my memories. It prevented my mind from being tampered with. You noticed it when we met in the time theater."

"But I thought that magic wasn't allowed at the TVA?"

"It's not magic. It's science. My dad and grandpa made it for me for my fifth birthday. My dad said he wanted me to have it because his mind was messed with so many times, and he didn't want that to happen to me. They made one for my mom too, but she didn't have it on when we were taken."

"So, this whole time, you've known everything."

I nodded. "Everything is kind of an understatement, but yeah."

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner?"

I shrugged. "There was always someone listening, or it just wasn't a good time. At the TVA either Miss Minutes or Renslayer is always watching and listening. And when we were at Roxxcart and when we were on Lamentis, we were running for our lives. I could never find the time to tell you."

"But why here? Isn't this still the TVA?"

"No. It isn't. This is a mind prison that is separate from the TVA. There's no security in here. No Miss Minutes and no Renslayer."

"That's why you didn't want me to leave you in her office." He realized.

"Yeah, I don't like being around her. I always feel like there's a chance she'll finally realize that I remember everything."

I'm not lying. Being around her makes me nervous. If she finds out, she'll wipe my memories for good this time. I'm not sure the necklace will do the job again.

"When you gave me that picture of the Avengers, you said that they were your family. How so?"

"My mom is Tony Stark's daughter." I smiled at the thought of my grandpa. Not my other grandpa. No, that guy deserved the death he got. Even thinking about him makes me want to fly into a murderous rage...

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