He Who Remains

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~~~Loki's pov~~~

"Come on," I said to Sylvie as we continued through the dark hallway. We held up our weapons, just in case.

"He Who Remains," I mumbled.

"Not for much longer."

We walked into a large room with four statues in the center; one was broken and lying on the floor.

"Are we sure he's even still alive?" I asked seriously.

Suddenly, a door opened in the center of the room. We stood in front of it, daggers raised.

It opened to show... a man. Just an ordinary man.

What is happening?

He smiled at us, getting up from his seated position.

"This is wild," He chuckled. "The two of you... Same person. I mean... it's a little unnatural, but... wow. Wild." He took a bite of the green apple he was holding.

"He Who Remains," Sylvie stated questioningly.

"He Who Remains. She still calls me that? Creepy, right? But... I like it."

Sylvie lowered her dagger, just as confused by the man as I was.

"Come on, come on," He gestured for us to follow him. "Let's talk in my office."

I turned to Sylvie who turned to me. We followed him but with our guards still up.

This was odd, to say the least.

We stood behind him as the elevator took us to his office.

"Not what you were expecting?" He asked.

"You're just...a man," I said in disbelief.

"Mhm, flesh and blood. Don't tell me I'm a disappointment."

"No," Sylvie remarked. "Just a bit easier to kill." She swung her sword at him before he teleported to the bench behind us.

He chuckled as we turned to him in confusion.

So he can teleport now? What next? Invisibility?

"Come on in," He said as the elevator doors opened, revealing a new room.

I sighed in frustration. This wasn't going the way I expected at all. I just needed to get back to Catherine and Linda. That's all that mattered.

Sylvie and I continued to slowly make our way to the strange man.

"Please, take a seat." He gestured to two seats in front of his desk.

I kept my dagger pointed at him as Sylvie and I sat down.

He took his seat in front of us and continued to speak. "Been a long journey for you, hasn't it? A lot of running. A lot of pain. And you..." He looked at me. "You're a flea on the back of a dragon," He chuckled. "In for one hell of a ride. But you did manage to hang on," He nodded.

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well, it's not every day a guy transfers himself into a different timeline just to escape being pruned."

I was surprised. "You-"

"Know that you are not a 2012 Loki variant? Yeah." He nodded.

"I'm not sure you quite understand the situation," Sylvie interrupted him. "You've lost," She smirked. "We've found you."

He gave us a confused look. "Duh. Of course, you did." I took the chance and charged up to him and swung my dagger before he teleported on top of his chair.

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